Package org.eclipse.emf.mapping.impl

Class Summary
ComplexTypeConverterImpl An implementation of the model object 'Complex Type Converter'
FunctionNamePairImpl An implementation of the model object 'Function Name Pair'
FunctionPairImpl An implementation of the model object 'Function Pair'
MappingFactoryImpl An implementation of the model Factory
MappingHelperImpl An implementation of the model object 'Helper'
MappingImpl An implementation of the model object 'Mapping'
MappingImpl.MappingTreeIterator This implements a tree iterator that will iterate over a mapping, all it's nested mappings, all their nested mappings, and so on.
MappingPackageImpl An implementation of the model Package
MappingRootImpl An implementation of the model object 'Root'
MappingStrategyImpl An implementation of the model object 'Strategy'
TypeConverterImpl An implementation of the model object 'Type Converter'

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