Interface Mapping

All Superinterfaces:
EObject, Notifier
All Known Subinterfaces:
Ecore2EcoreMappingRoot, MappingRoot
All Known Implementing Classes:
Ecore2EcoreMappingRootImpl, MappingImpl, MappingRootImpl

public interface Mapping
extends EObject

A representation of the model object 'Mapping'.

The following features are supported:

See Also:

Method Summary
 EList<EObject> getBottoms()
          This returns the same as either getInputs() or getOutputs() depending on the mapping root's isTopToBottom.
 MappingHelper getEffectiveHelper()
          This returns the mapping helper for this mapping, if it has one.
 MappingHelper getHelper()
          Returns the value of the 'Helper' containment reference.
 EList<EObject> getInputs()
          Returns the value of the 'Inputs' reference list.
 java.util.Collection<? extends EObject> getMappedObjects()
          This returns a set containing the results of getInputs() and getOutputs().
 MappingRoot getMappingRoot()
          This returns either the containing mapping root or the object itself, if it is a mapping root.
 EList<Mapping> getNested()
          Returns the value of the 'Nested' containment reference list.
 Mapping getNestedIn()
          Returns the value of the 'Nested In' container reference.
 EList<EObject> getOutputs()
          Returns the value of the 'Outputs' reference list.
 EList<EObject> getReceivers()
          This returns the same as getOutputs() if isReverse() returns false.
 EList<EObject> getSenders()
          This returns the same as getInputs() if isReverse() returns false.
 EList<EObject> getTops()
          This returns the same as either getInputs() or getOutputs() depending on the mapping root's isTopToBottom.
 Mapping getTypeMapping()
          Returns the value of the 'Type Mapping' reference
 boolean isReverse()
          This method is delegated to the containing mapping if one exists, or returns false otherwise.
 void setHelper(MappingHelper value)
          Sets the value of the 'Helper' containment reference
 void setNestedIn(Mapping value)
          Sets the value of the 'Nested In' container reference
 void setTypeMapping(Mapping value)
          Sets the value of the 'Type Mapping' reference
 TreeIterator<Mapping> treeIterator()
          This returns a tree iterator that iterates over this mapping, all it's nested mappings, and their nested mappings, and so on.
 TreeIterator<Mapping> treeIterator(boolean includeRoot)
          This returns a tree iterator that iterates over this mapping (but only if includeRoot is true), all it's nested mappings, and their nested mappings, and so on.
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject
eAllContents, eClass, eContainer, eContainingFeature, eContainmentFeature, eContents, eCrossReferences, eGet, eGet, eIsProxy, eIsSet, eResource, eSet, eUnset
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier
eAdapters, eDeliver, eNotify, eSetDeliver

Method Detail


MappingHelper getHelper()
Returns the value of the 'Helper' containment reference. It is bidirectional and its opposite is 'Mapper'.

the value of the 'Helper' containment reference.
See Also:
setHelper(MappingHelper), MappingPackage.getMapping_Helper(), MappingHelper.getMapper()


void setHelper(MappingHelper value)
Sets the value of the 'Helper' containment reference.

value - the new value of the 'Helper' containment reference.
See Also:


EList<Mapping> getNested()
Returns the value of the 'Nested' containment reference list. The list contents are of type Mapping. It is bidirectional and its opposite is 'Nested In'.

the value of the 'Nested' containment reference list.
See Also:
MappingPackage.getMapping_Nested(), getNestedIn()


Mapping getNestedIn()
Returns the value of the 'Nested In' container reference. It is bidirectional and its opposite is 'Nested'.

the value of the 'Nested In' container reference.
See Also:
setNestedIn(Mapping), MappingPackage.getMapping_NestedIn(), getNested()


void setNestedIn(Mapping value)
Sets the value of the 'Nested In' container reference.

value - the new value of the 'Nested In' container reference.
See Also:


EList<EObject> getInputs()
Returns the value of the 'Inputs' reference list. The list contents are of type EObject.

the value of the 'Inputs' reference list.
See Also:


EList<EObject> getOutputs()
Returns the value of the 'Outputs' reference list. The list contents are of type EObject.

the value of the 'Outputs' reference list.
See Also:


Mapping getTypeMapping()
Returns the value of the 'Type Mapping' reference.

the value of the 'Type Mapping' reference.
See Also:
setTypeMapping(Mapping), MappingPackage.getMapping_TypeMapping()


void setTypeMapping(Mapping value)
Sets the value of the 'Type Mapping' reference.

value - the new value of the 'Type Mapping' reference.
See Also:


java.util.Collection<? extends EObject> getMappedObjects()
This returns a set containing the results of getInputs() and getOutputs().


EList<EObject> getTops()
This returns the same as either getInputs() or getOutputs() depending on the mapping root's isTopToBottom.


EList<EObject> getBottoms()
This returns the same as either getInputs() or getOutputs() depending on the mapping root's isTopToBottom.


MappingRoot getMappingRoot()
This returns either the containing mapping root or the object itself, if it is a mapping root.


boolean isReverse()
This method is delegated to the containing mapping if one exists, or returns false otherwise. Subclasses can override this method to return true when the logical direction of a mapping is reversed (i.e., from outputs to inputs).


EList<EObject> getSenders()
This returns the same as getInputs() if isReverse() returns false. Otherwise it returns the same as getOutputs().


EList<EObject> getReceivers()
This returns the same as getOutputs() if isReverse() returns false. Otherwise it returns the same as getInputs().


MappingHelper getEffectiveHelper()
This returns the mapping helper for this mapping, if it has one. Otherwise, if the mapping has an associated type mapping it returns the type mapping's helper.


TreeIterator<Mapping> treeIterator()
This returns a tree iterator that iterates over this mapping, all it's nested mappings, and their nested mappings, and so on.


TreeIterator<Mapping> treeIterator(boolean includeRoot)
This returns a tree iterator that iterates over this mapping (but only if includeRoot is true), all it's nested mappings, and their nested mappings, and so on.

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