Class ResourceSetImpl

  extended by org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.impl.BasicNotifierImpl
      extended by org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.impl.NotifierImpl
          extended by org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
Notifier, ResourceSet
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ResourceSetImpl
extends NotifierImpl
implements ResourceSet

An extensible resource set implementation.

The following configuration and control mechanisms are provided:

Nested Class Summary
protected  class ResourceSetImpl.ResourcesEList<E extends java.lang.Object & Resource>
          A notifying list implementation for supporting ResourceSet.getResources().
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.impl.BasicNotifierImpl
BasicNotifierImpl.EAdapterList<E extends java.lang.Object & Adapter>
Field Summary
protected  EList<AdapterFactory> adapterFactories
          The registered adapter factories.
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> loadOptions
          The load options.
protected  EPackage.Registry packageRegistry
          The local package registry.
protected  Resource.Factory.Registry resourceFactoryRegistry
          The local resource factory registry.
protected  EList<Resource> resources
          The contained resources.
protected  URIConverter uriConverter
          The URI converter.
protected  java.util.Map<URI,Resource> uriResourceMap
          A map to cache the resource associated with a specific URI.
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.impl.NotifierImpl
Fields inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet
Constructor Summary
          Creates an empty instance.
Method Summary
 Resource createResource(URI uri)
          Creates a new resource, of the appropriate type, and returns it.
 Resource createResource(URI uri, java.lang.String contentType)
          Creates a new resource, of the appropriate type, and returns it.
protected  Resource delegatedGetResource(URI uri, boolean loadOnDemand)
          Returns a resolved resource available outside of the resource set.
protected  Resource demandCreateResource(URI uri)
          Creates a new resource appropriate for the URI.
protected  void demandLoad(Resource resource)
          Loads the given resource.
protected  void demandLoadHelper(Resource resource)
          Demand loads the given resource using demandLoad(Resource) and wraps any IOException as a runtime exception.
 EList<AdapterFactory> getAdapterFactories()
          Returns the list of registered AdapterFactory instances.
 TreeIterator<Notifier> getAllContents()
          Returns a tree iterator that iterates over all the direct resources and over the content tree of each.
 EObject getEObject(URI uri, boolean loadOnDemand)
          Returns the object resolved by the URI.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> getLoadOptions()
          Returns the options used during demand load.
 EPackage.Registry getPackageRegistry()
          Returns the registry used for looking up a package based namespace.
 Resource getResource(URI uri, boolean loadOnDemand)
          Returns the resource resolved by the URI.
 Resource.Factory.Registry getResourceFactoryRegistry()
          Returns the registry used for creating a resource of the appropriate type.
 EList<Resource> getResources()
          Returns the direct Resources being managed.
 URIConverter getURIConverter()
          Returns the converter used to normalize URIs and to open streams.
 java.util.Map<URI,Resource> getURIResourceMap()
          Returns the map used to cache the resource associated with a specific URI.
protected  void handleDemandLoadException(Resource resource, exception)
          Handles the exception thrown during demand load by recording it as an error diagnostic and throwing a wrapping runtime exception.
 void setPackageRegistry(EPackage.Registry packageRegistry)
          Set the registry used for looking up a package based namespace.
 void setResourceFactoryRegistry(Resource.Factory.Registry resourceFactoryRegistry)
          Sets the registry used for creating resource of the appropriate type.
 void setURIConverter(URIConverter uriConverter)
          Sets the converter used to normalize URIs and to open streams.
 void setURIResourceMap(java.util.Map<URI,Resource> uriResourceMap)
          Sets the map used to cache the resource associated with a specific URI.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Returns a standard label with the list of resources.
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.impl.NotifierImpl
eAdapters, eBasicAdapters, eDeliver, eSetDeliver
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.impl.BasicNotifierImpl
eNotificationRequired, eNotify
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier
eAdapters, eDeliver, eNotify, eSetDeliver

Field Detail


protected EList<Resource> resources
The contained resources.

See Also:


protected EList<AdapterFactory> adapterFactories
The registered adapter factories.

See Also:


protected java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> loadOptions
The load options.

See Also:


protected Resource.Factory.Registry resourceFactoryRegistry
The local resource factory registry.

See Also:


protected URIConverter uriConverter
The URI converter.

See Also:


protected EPackage.Registry packageRegistry
The local package registry.

See Also:


protected java.util.Map<URI,Resource> uriResourceMap
A map to cache the resource associated with a specific URI.

See Also:
Constructor Detail


public ResourceSetImpl()
Creates an empty instance.

Method Detail


public java.util.Map<URI,Resource> getURIResourceMap()
Returns the map used to cache the resource associated with a specific URI.

the map used to cache the resource associated with a specific URI.
See Also:


public void setURIResourceMap(java.util.Map<URI,Resource> uriResourceMap)
Sets the map used to cache the resource associated with a specific URI. This cache is only activated if the map is not null. The map will be lazily loaded by the getResource method. It is up to the client to clear the cache when it becomes invalid, e.g., when the URI of a previously mapped resource is changed.

uriResourceMap - the new map or null.
See Also:


public EList<Resource> getResources()
Description copied from interface: ResourceSet
Returns the direct Resources being managed.

A resource added to this list will be contained by this resource set. If it was previously contained by a resource set, it will have been removed.

Specified by:
getResources in interface ResourceSet
the resources.
See Also:


public TreeIterator<Notifier> getAllContents()
Description copied from interface: ResourceSet
Returns a tree iterator that iterates over all the direct resources and over the content tree of each.

Specified by:
getAllContents in interface ResourceSet
a tree iterator that iterates over all contents.
See Also:
EObject.eAllContents(), Resource.getAllContents(), EcoreUtil.getAllContents(ResourceSet, boolean)


public EList<AdapterFactory> getAdapterFactories()
Description copied from interface: ResourceSet
Returns the list of registered AdapterFactory instances.

One style of adapter lookup supported by EMF is via registered adapter factories. Since these factories are accessible to any fully contained object via

they can be used to create adapters on demand, without going to the factory first.

Specified by:
getAdapterFactories in interface ResourceSet
the list of adapter factories.
See Also:
EcoreUtil.getRegisteredAdapter(EObject, Object), EcoreUtil.getRegisteredAdapter(Resource, Object), AdapterFactory.adapt(Notifier, Object)


public java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> getLoadOptions()
Description copied from interface: ResourceSet
Returns the options used during demand load.

Options are handled generically as feature-to-setting entries. They are passed to the resource when it is deserialized. A resource will ignore options it doesn't recognize. The options could even include things like an Eclipse progress monitor...

Specified by:
getLoadOptions in interface ResourceSet
the options used during demand load.
See Also:


public EObject getEObject(URI uri,
                          boolean loadOnDemand)
Description copied from interface: ResourceSet
Returns the object resolved by the URI.

Every object contained by a resource (or that is a proxy) has a corresponding URI that resolves to the object. So for any object contained by a resource, the following is true.

   eObject == eObject.eResource().getResourceSet().getEObject(EcoreUtil.getURI(eObject), false)

The URI without the fragment, is used to resolve a resource. If the resource resolves, the fragment is used to resolve the object.

Specified by:
getEObject in interface ResourceSet
uri - the URI to resolve.
loadOnDemand - whether to create and load the resource, if it doesn't already exists.
the object resolved by the URI, or null if there isn't one.
See Also:
Resource.getEObject(String), ResourceSet.getResource(URI, boolean), EcoreUtil.getURI(EObject)


protected Resource demandCreateResource(URI uri)
Creates a new resource appropriate for the URI. It is called by getResource(URI, boolean) when a URI that doesn't exist as a resource is demand loaded. This implementation simply calls createResource(URI). Clients may extend this as appropriate.

uri - the URI of the resource to create.
a new resource.
See Also:
getResource(URI, boolean)


protected void demandLoad(Resource resource)
Loads the given resource. It is called by demandLoadHelper(Resource) to perform a demand load. This implementation simply calls resource.load(getLoadOptions()). Clients may extend this as appropriate.

resource - a resource that isn't loaded.
Throws: - if there are serious problems loading the resource.
See Also:
getResource(URI, boolean), demandLoadHelper(Resource)


protected void demandLoadHelper(Resource resource)
Demand loads the given resource using demandLoad(Resource) and wraps any IOException as a runtime exception. It is called by getResource(URI, boolean) to perform a demand load.

resource - a resource that isn't loaded.
See Also:


protected void handleDemandLoadException(Resource resource,
                                  throws java.lang.RuntimeException
Handles the exception thrown during demand load by recording it as an error diagnostic and throwing a wrapping runtime exception.

resource - the resource that threw an exception while loading.
exception - the exception thrown from the resource while loading.
See Also:


protected Resource delegatedGetResource(URI uri,
                                        boolean loadOnDemand)
Returns a resolved resource available outside of the resource set. It is called by getResource(URI, boolean) after it has determined that the URI cannot be resolved based on the existing contents of the resource set. This implementation looks up the URI in the {#getPackageRegistry() local} package registry. Clients may extend this as appropriate.

uri - the URI
loadOnDemand - whether demand loading is required.


public Resource getResource(URI uri,
                            boolean loadOnDemand)
Description copied from interface: ResourceSet
Returns the resource resolved by the URI.

A resource set is expected to implement the following strategy in order to resolve the given URI to a resource. First it uses it's URI converter to normalize the URI and then to compare it with the normalized URI of each resource; if it finds a match, that resource becomes the result. Failing that, it delegates to allow the URI to be resolved elsewhere. For example, the package registry is used to resolve the namespace URI of a package to the static instance of that package. So the important point is that an arbitrary implementation may resolve the URI to any resource, not necessarily to one contained by this particular resource set. If the delegation step fails to provide a result, and if loadOnDemand is true, a resource is created and that resource becomes the result. If loadOnDemand is true and the result resource is not loaded, it will be loaded before it is returned.

Specified by:
getResource in interface ResourceSet
uri - the URI to resolve.
loadOnDemand - whether to create and load the resource, if it doesn't already exists.
the resource resolved by the URI, or null if there isn't one and it's not being demand loaded.


public Resource createResource(URI uri)
Description copied from interface: ResourceSet
Creates a new resource, of the appropriate type, and returns it.

It delegates to the resource factory registry to determine the correct factory, and then it uses that factory to create the resource and adds it to the contents. If there is no registered factory, null will be returned; when running within Eclipse, a default XMI factory will be registered, and this will never return null.

Specified by:
createResource in interface ResourceSet
uri - the URI of the resource to create.
a new resource, or null if no factory is registered.


public Resource createResource(URI uri,
                               java.lang.String contentType)
Description copied from interface: ResourceSet
Creates a new resource, of the appropriate type, and returns it.

It delegates to the resource factory registry to determine the correct factory, and then it uses that factory to create the resource and adds it to the contents. If there is no registered factory, null will be returned; when running within Eclipse, a default XMI factory will be registered, and this will never return null.

Specified by:
createResource in interface ResourceSet
uri - the URI of the resource to create.
contentType - the content type identifier of the URI, or null if no content type should be used during lookup.
a new resource, or null if no factory is registered.


public Resource.Factory.Registry getResourceFactoryRegistry()
Description copied from interface: ResourceSet
Returns the registry used for creating a resource of the appropriate type.

An implementation will typically provide a registry that delegates to the global resource factory registry. As a result, registrations made in this registry are local to this resource set, i.e., they augment or override those of the global registry.

Specified by:
getResourceFactoryRegistry in interface ResourceSet
the registry used for creating a resource of the appropriate type.


public void setResourceFactoryRegistry(Resource.Factory.Registry resourceFactoryRegistry)
Description copied from interface: ResourceSet
Sets the registry used for creating resource of the appropriate type.

Specified by:
setResourceFactoryRegistry in interface ResourceSet
resourceFactoryRegistry - the new registry.


public URIConverter getURIConverter()
Description copied from interface: ResourceSet
Returns the converter used to normalize URIs and to open streams.

Specified by:
getURIConverter in interface ResourceSet
the URI converter.
See Also:
URIConverter, URI


public void setURIConverter(URIConverter uriConverter)
Description copied from interface: ResourceSet
Sets the converter used to normalize URIs and to open streams.

Specified by:
setURIConverter in interface ResourceSet
uriConverter - the new converter.
See Also:
URIConverter, URI


public EPackage.Registry getPackageRegistry()
Description copied from interface: ResourceSet
Returns the registry used for looking up a package based namespace.

An implementation will typically provide a registry that delegates to the global package registry. As a result, registrations made in this registry are local to this resource set, i.e., they augment or override those of the global registry.

Specified by:
getPackageRegistry in interface ResourceSet
the registry used for looking up a package based namespace.


public void setPackageRegistry(EPackage.Registry packageRegistry)
Description copied from interface: ResourceSet
Set the registry used for looking up a package based namespace.

Specified by:
setPackageRegistry in interface ResourceSet
packageRegistry - the new registry.


public java.lang.String toString()
Returns a standard label with the list of resources.

toString in class java.lang.Object
the string form.

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