Uses of Interface

Packages that use ListChange
org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change Provides an API for describing and applying model changes. 
org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.impl Provides an implementation of the Change model. 
org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.util Provides utilities. 

Uses of ListChange in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change that return ListChange
 ListChange ChangeFactory.createListChange()
          Returns a new object of class 'List Change'

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change that return types with arguments of type ListChange
 EList<ListChange> ResourceChange.getListChanges()
          Returns the value of the 'List Changes' containment reference list.
 EList<ListChange> FeatureChange.getListChanges()
          Returns the value of the 'List Changes' containment reference list.

Uses of ListChange in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.impl

Classes in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.impl that implement ListChange
 class ListChangeImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'List Change'

Fields in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.impl with type parameters of type ListChange
protected  EList<ListChange> FeatureChangeImpl.listChanges
          The cached value of the 'List Changes' containment reference list
protected  EList<ListChange> ResourceChangeImpl.listChanges
          The cached value of the 'List Changes' containment reference list

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.impl that return ListChange
 ListChange ChangeFactoryImpl.createListChange()
protected  ListChange FeatureChangeImpl.createListChange(EList<ListChange> changesList, ChangeKind kind, int index)
protected  ListChange FeatureMapEntryImpl.createListChange(EList<ListChange> changesList, ChangeKind kind, int index)

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.impl that return types with arguments of type ListChange
 EList<ListChange> FeatureChangeImpl.getListChanges()
 EList<ListChange> ResourceChangeImpl.getListChanges()

Method parameters in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.impl with type arguments of type ListChange
protected  ListChange FeatureChangeImpl.createListChange(EList<ListChange> changesList, ChangeKind kind, int index)
protected  ListChange FeatureMapEntryImpl.createListChange(EList<ListChange> changesList, ChangeKind kind, int index)

Uses of ListChange in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.util

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.util that return ListChange
protected  ListChange ListDifferenceAnalyzer.createListChange(EList<ListChange> listChanges, ChangeKind kind, int index)
          Creates a ListChange, initializes the main attributes, and adds it to the specified listChanges.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.util that return types with arguments of type ListChange
 EList<ListChange> ListDifferenceAnalyzer.analyzeLists(EList<?> oldList, EList<?> newList)
          Analyzes the differences between two lists, returning the list changes that describe how the newList could be changed to the contents of oldList.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.util with parameters of type ListChange
 T ChangeSwitch.caseListChange(ListChange object)
          Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of 'List Change'

Method parameters in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.util with type arguments of type ListChange
 void ListDifferenceAnalyzer.analyzeLists(EList<java.lang.Object> oldList, EList<?> newList, EList<ListChange> listChanges)
          Analyzes the differences between two lists, adding new list changes to the specified listChanges.
protected  void ListDifferenceAnalyzer.createAddListChange(EList<java.lang.Object> oldList, EList<ListChange> listChanges, java.lang.Object newObject, int index)
          Convenience method added to allow subclasses to modify the default implementation for the scenario in which an element was added to the monitored list.
protected  ListChange ListDifferenceAnalyzer.createListChange(EList<ListChange> listChanges, ChangeKind kind, int index)
          Creates a ListChange, initializes the main attributes, and adds it to the specified listChanges.
protected  void ListDifferenceAnalyzer.createListChanges(EList<java.lang.Object> oldList, EList<?> newList, EList<ListChange> listChanges)
protected  void ListDifferenceAnalyzer.createMoveListChange(EList<?> oldList, EList<ListChange> listChanges, java.lang.Object newObject, int index, int toIndex)
          Convenience method added to allow subclasses to modify the default implementation for the scenario in which an element was moved in the monitored list.
protected  void ListDifferenceAnalyzer.createRemoveListChange(EList<?> oldList, EList<ListChange> listChanges, java.lang.Object newObject, int index)
          Convenience method added to allow subclasses to modify the default implementation for the scenario in which an element was removed from the monitored list.

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