Package org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider

This provides reusable ItemProviderAdapter support to drive JFace StructuredViewers, Eclipse IPropertySources, and EditingDomains


Interface Summary
ComposeableAdapterFactory This provides support that allows a factory to be composed into a ComposedAdapterFactory that serves the union of the model objects from different packages.
ComposedAdapterFactory.Descriptor A descriptor can create an adapter factory.
ComposedAdapterFactory.Descriptor.Registry A registry is an index that takes a collection of keys, typically a pair consisting of an EPackage or java.lang.Package, and a java.lang.Class, and maps it to a descriptor.
IChangeNotifier This interface is implemented by something that can handle MOF-style change notifications.
IChildCreationExtender An interface used by objects that can extend the results of IEditingDomainItemProvider.getNewChildDescriptors.
IChildCreationExtender.Descriptor A descriptor can create a child creation extender.
IChildCreationExtender.Descriptor.Registry A registry is an index that takes a namespace and maps it to a collection of descriptors.
IDisposable This is implemented by objects that need to be disposed after they are no longer needed.
IEditingDomainItemProvider This is the interface used by EditingDomain to impose a hierarchical relation on the model objects, and to map operations on those objects onto an underlying EMF model Commands.
IItemColorProvider This is the interface implemented to provide a color for an item; it receives delegated calls from IColorProvider.
IItemFontProvider This is the interface implemented to provide a color for an item; it receives delegated calls from IFontProvider.
IItemLabelProvider This is the interface implemented to provide a label text and even a label icon for an item; it receives delegated calls from ILabelProvider.
IItemPropertyDescriptor This interface extends IPropertyDescriptor so that the methods of IItemPropertySource can be delegated to the descriptor.
IItemPropertyDescriptor.OverrideableCommandOwner This interface may be implemented by item property descriptors to allow an object to be provided as an override for whatever would usually be the owner of any commands created to set the property's value.
IItemPropertySource This is the interface is needed to populate property sheet items; it is the same as IPropertySource except that the object is passed as the first parameter for each method.
IItemProviderDecorator This is implemented by an item provider that decorates another item provider.
INotifyChangedListener This interface is implemented by something that can handle MOF-style change notifications.
IStructuredItemContentProvider This is the interface needed to populate the top level items in a TreeViewer, the items of a ListViewer, or the rows of a TableViewer.
ITableItemColorProvider This is the interface needed to provide color for items in a TableViewer.
ITableItemFontProvider This is the interface needed to provide color for items in a TableViewer.
ITableItemLabelProvider This is the interface needed to provide labels for items in a TableViewer.
ITreeItemContentProvider This is the interface needed to populate subtrees in a TreeViewer.
IUpdateableItemParent This is the interface implemented by an item provider if it supports an updateable parent relation.
IUpdateableItemText This is the interface implemented by an item provider if it supports an updateable item text.
IViewerNotification A description of viewer changes required by an EMF notification.
IWrapperItemProvider The base interface for a value wrapper that can implement item provider interfaces.

Class Summary
AdapterFactoryTreeIterator<E> This implements a tree iterator that iterates over an object, it's children, their children, and so on, use the ITreeItemContentProviders produced by an adapter factory.
AttributeValueWrapperItemProvider A wrapper implementation for simple attribute values.
ChangeNotifier This is a simple and obvious implementation of IChangeNotifier as an extension of an ArrayList, for flexibility.
ChildCreationExtenderManager A child creation extension manager encapsulates a list of child creation extenders for a particular package.
ComposedAdapterFactory This provides support for composing several factories for different models into a single factory serving the union of the model objects.
ComposedAdapterFactory.Descriptor.Registry.Impl A simple registry implementation that supports delegation.
ComposedImage This implements a wrapper that can be used to specify how a composed image should look.
DecoratorAdapterFactory This abstract class provides support for creating IItemProviderDecorators for the adapters created by another AdapterFactory.
DelegatingWrapperItemProvider A wrapper for model objects and other wrappers.
Disposable This implements IDisposable as a set IDisposables that can in turn be disposed.
FeatureMapEntryWrapperItemProvider A wrapper for FeatureMap.Entrys.
IChildCreationExtender.Descriptor.Registry.Impl A simple registry implementation that supports delegation.
ItemPropertyDescriptor This implementation of an item property descriptor supports delegating of the IItemPropertySource interface to the IItemPropertyDescriptor interface.
ItemProvider This item provider implementation is a convenient reusable base that can be used for an item provider that isn't an adapter for an EMF object.
ItemProviderAdapter This adapter implementation provides a convenient reusable base for adapters that will be used as item providers.
ItemProviderAdapter.ChildrenStore A ChildrenStore stores a number of objects that are to be presented as the children of an object.
ItemProviderAdapter.ChildrenStore.Entry An Entry represents the children from a feature.
ItemProviderAdapter.ModifiableSingletonEList<E> A single-element implementation of EList.
ItemProviderDecorator This implementation provides a convenient reusable base for item providers that will be used as decorators of other item providers.
ReflectiveItemProvider This adapter implementation provides reflective support that emulates the behaviour of a default generated item provider.
ReflectiveItemProviderAdapterFactory This is the factory that is used to provide the interfaces needed to support Viewers reflectively.
ViewerNotification A simple implementation of IViewerNotification that decorates an ordinary Notification.
WrapperItemProvider A basic implementation of IWrapperProvider from which others can extend.

Package org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider Description

This provides reusable ItemProviderAdapter support to drive JFace StructuredViewers, Eclipse IPropertySources, and EditingDomains.

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