Uses of Interface

Packages that use Resource
org.eclipse.emf.ecore Provides an API for the Ecore dialect of UML. 
org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change Provides an API for describing and applying model changes. 
org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.impl Provides an implementation of the Change model. 
org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.util Provides utilities. 
org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl Provides an implementation of Ecore. 
org.eclipse.emf.ecore.presentation Provides sample editor support for Ecore. 
org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource Provides an API for modeling abstract persistent resources. 
org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl Provides an implementation of the resource API. 
org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util Provides utilities. 
org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain This provides support for an EditingDomain, which acts a centralized control mechanism for managing a set of interrelated models and the Commands which modify them.
org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.action This provides a reusable implementation of an IAction that delegates to a CommandActionDelegate, which is usually also a Command 

Uses of Resource in org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.genmodel.presentation

Fields in org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.genmodel.presentation with type parameters of type Resource
protected  java.util.Collection<Resource> GenModelEditor.changedResources
          Resources that have been changed since last activation
protected  java.util.Collection<Resource> GenModelEditor.removedResources
          Resources that have been removed since last activation
protected  java.util.Map<Resource,Diagnostic> GenModelEditor.resourceToDiagnosticMap
          Map to store the diagnostic associated with a resource
protected  java.util.Collection<Resource> GenModelEditor.savedResources
          Resources that have been saved

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.genmodel.presentation with parameters of type Resource
 Diagnostic GenModelEditor.analyzeResourceProblems(Resource resource, java.lang.Exception exception)
          Returns a diagnostic describing the errors and warnings listed in the resource and the specified exception (if any)
protected  boolean GenModelEditor.isPersisted(Resource resource)
          This returns whether something has been persisted to the URI of the specified resource.

Uses of Resource in org.eclipse.emf.converter.util

Method parameters in org.eclipse.emf.converter.util with type arguments of type Resource
static java.lang.String ConverterUtil.WorkspaceResourceValidator.validate(java.util.List<Resource> emfResources)
          Invokes the Platform validateEdit method for all the read-only files referred by a given resource in the list.

Uses of Resource in org.eclipse.emf.ecore

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.ecore that return Resource
 Resource EObject.eResource()
          Returns the containing resource, or null.

Uses of Resource in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change that return Resource
 Resource ResourceChange.getResource()
          Returns the value of the 'Resource' attribute

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change with parameters of type Resource
 ResourceChange ChangeFactory.createResourceChange(Resource resource, EList<java.lang.Object> oldValue)
 void ResourceChange.setResource(Resource value)
          Sets the value of the 'Resource' attribute

Uses of Resource in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.impl

Fields in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.impl declared as Resource
protected  Resource ResourceChangeImpl.resource
          The cached value of the 'Resource' attribute
protected static Resource ResourceChangeImpl.RESOURCE_EDEFAULT
          The default value of the 'Resource' attribute

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.impl that return Resource
 Resource ResourceChangeImpl.getResource()

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.impl with parameters of type Resource
 ResourceChange ChangeFactoryImpl.createResourceChange(Resource resource, EList<java.lang.Object> oldValue)
 void ResourceChangeImpl.setResource(Resource newResource)
 void ResourceChangeImpl.setResourceGen(Resource newResource)

Constructors in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.impl with parameters of type Resource
ResourceChangeImpl(Resource resource, EList<java.lang.Object> value)

Uses of Resource in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.util

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.util with parameters of type Resource
protected  ResourceChange BasicChangeRecorder.createResourceChange(Resource resource, EList<java.lang.Object> value)
protected  ResourceChange BasicChangeRecorder.getResourceChange(Resource resource)

Constructors in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.util with parameters of type Resource
ChangeRecorder(Resource resource)

Uses of Resource in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl that return Resource
protected  Resource EPackageImpl.createResource(java.lang.String uri)
 Resource BasicEObjectImpl.eResource()

Uses of Resource in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.presentation

Fields in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.presentation with type parameters of type Resource
protected  java.util.Collection<Resource> EcoreEditor.changedResources
          Resources that have been changed since last activation
protected  java.util.Collection<Resource> EcoreEditor.removedResources
          Resources that have been removed since last activation
protected  java.util.Map<Resource,Diagnostic> EcoreEditor.resourceToDiagnosticMap
          Map to store the diagnostic associated with a resource
protected  java.util.Collection<Resource> EcoreEditor.savedResources
          Resources that have been saved

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.presentation with parameters of type Resource
 Diagnostic EcoreEditor.analyzeResourceProblems(Resource resource, java.lang.Exception exception)
          Returns a diagnostic describing the errors and warnings listed in the resource and the specified exception (if any)
protected  java.util.Collection<EPackage> EcoreActionBarContributor.ExtendedLoadResourceAction.ExtendedLoadResourceDialog.getAllPackages(Resource resource)
protected  boolean EcoreEditor.isPersisted(Resource resource)
          This returns whether something has been persisted to the URI of the specified resource.
protected  boolean EcoreActionBarContributor.ExtendedLoadResourceAction.ExtendedLoadResourceDialog.processResource(Resource resource)

Uses of Resource in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource

Subinterfaces of Resource in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource
static interface Resource.Internal
          An internal interface implemented by all resources.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource that return Resource
 Resource ResourceSet.createResource(URI uri)
          Creates a new resource, of the appropriate type, and returns it.
 Resource Resource.Factory.createResource(URI uri)
          Creates a resource with the given URI and returns it.
 Resource ResourceSet.createResource(URI uri, java.lang.String contentType)
          Creates a new resource, of the appropriate type, and returns it.
 Resource ResourceSet.getResource(URI uri, boolean loadOnDemand)
          Returns the resource resolved by the URI.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource that return types with arguments of type Resource
 EList<Resource> ResourceSet.getResources()
          Returns the direct Resources being managed.

Uses of Resource in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl

Classes in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl with type parameters of type Resource
protected  class ResourceSetImpl.ResourcesEList<E extends Object & Resource>
          A notifying list implementation for supporting ResourceSet.getResources().

Classes in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl that implement Resource
 class BinaryResourceImpl
          PROVISIONAL API for efficiently producing and consuming a compact binary serialization.
 class ResourceImpl
          A highly extensible resource implementation.

Fields in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl declared as Resource
protected  Resource BinaryResourceImpl.BinaryIO.resource

Fields in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl with type parameters of type Resource
protected  EList<Resource> ResourceSetImpl.resources
          The contained resources.
protected  java.util.Map<URI,Resource> ResourceSetImpl.uriResourceMap
          A map to cache the resource associated with a specific URI.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl that return Resource
 Resource ResourceSetImpl.createResource(URI uri)
 Resource ResourceFactoryImpl.createResource(URI uri)
          Returns a newly allocated default resource implementation.
 Resource ResourceSetImpl.createResource(URI uri, java.lang.String contentType)
protected  Resource ResourceSetImpl.delegatedGetResource(URI uri, boolean loadOnDemand)
          Returns a resolved resource available outside of the resource set.
protected  Resource ResourceSetImpl.demandCreateResource(URI uri)
          Creates a new resource appropriate for the URI.
 Resource ResourceSetImpl.getResource(URI uri, boolean loadOnDemand)

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl that return types with arguments of type Resource
 EList<Resource> ResourceSetImpl.getResources()
 java.util.Map<URI,Resource> ResourceSetImpl.getURIResourceMap()
          Returns the map used to cache the resource associated with a specific URI.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl with parameters of type Resource
protected  void ResourceSetImpl.demandLoad(Resource resource)
          Loads the given resource.
protected  void ResourceSetImpl.demandLoadHelper(Resource resource)
          Demand loads the given resource using ResourceSetImpl.demandLoad(Resource) and wraps any IOException as a runtime exception.
protected  void ResourceSetImpl.handleDemandLoadException(Resource resource, exception)
          Handles the exception thrown during demand load by recording it as an error diagnostic and throwing a wrapping runtime exception.
 void BinaryResourceImpl.EObjectInputStream.loadResource(Resource resource)
 void BinaryResourceImpl.EObjectOutputStream.saveResource(Resource resource)

Method parameters in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl with type arguments of type Resource
 void ResourceSetImpl.setURIResourceMap(java.util.Map<URI,Resource> uriResourceMap)
          Sets the map used to cache the resource associated with a specific URI.

Uses of Resource in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util

Fields in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util with type parameters of type Resource
protected  java.util.List<? extends Resource> EcoreUtil.ContentTreeIterator.ResourcesIterator.resources
          The resources to iterator over.
protected  java.util.Map<EObject,Resource> ECrossReferenceAdapter.unloadedEObjects
protected  java.util.Set<Resource> ECrossReferenceAdapter.unloadedResources

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util that return Resource
          Returns the next item, or null if there isn't one.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util that return types with arguments of type Resource
protected  java.util.Iterator<Resource> EcoreUtil.ContentTreeIterator.getResourceSetChildren(ResourceSet resourceSet)
          Returns an iterator over the children of the given parent resource set.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util with parameters of type Resource
static Diagnostic EcoreUtil.computeDiagnostic(Resource resource, boolean includeWarnings)
          Computes a Diagnostic from the errors and warnings stored in the specified resource.
static java.util.Collection<EStructuralFeature.Setting> EcoreUtil.UsageCrossReferencer.find(EObject eObjectOfInterest, Resource resource)
          Returns a collection of usage references from the specified content tree.
static java.util.Map<EObject,java.util.Collection<EStructuralFeature.Setting>> EcoreUtil.ExternalCrossReferencer.find(Resource resource)
          Returns a map of all external cross references from the specified content tree.
static java.util.Map<EObject,java.util.Collection<EStructuralFeature.Setting>> EcoreUtil.ProxyCrossReferencer.find(Resource resource)
          Returns a map of all proxy references from the specified content tree.
static java.util.Map<EObject,java.util.Collection<EStructuralFeature.Setting>> EcoreUtil.UnresolvedProxyCrossReferencer.find(Resource resource)
          Returns a map of all unresolvable proxies from the specified content tree.
static java.util.Map<EObject,java.util.Collection<EStructuralFeature.Setting>> EcoreUtil.UsageCrossReferencer.findAll(java.util.Collection<?> eObjectsOfInterest, Resource resource)
          Returns a map of usage references from the specified content tree.
<T> TreeIterator<T>
EcoreUtil.getAllContents(Resource resource, boolean resolve)
          Returns a tree iterator that iterates over all the direct contents and indirect contents of the resource.
<T> TreeIterator<T>
EcoreUtil.getAllProperContents(Resource resource, boolean resolve)
          Returns a tree iterator that iterates over all the direct contents and indirect contents of the resource, skipping over any child object that's in a different resource from its parent.
static Adapter EcoreUtil.getRegisteredAdapter(Resource resource, java.lang.Object type)
          Returns the specified resource's adapter of the specified type.
protected  java.util.Iterator<EObject> EcoreUtil.ContentTreeIterator.getResourceChildren(Resource resource)
          Returns an iterator over the children of the given parent resource.
static boolean EcoreUtil.isAncestor(Resource ancestorResource, EObject eObject)
          Returns whether the given resource is that of the object, i.e., whether the object is in the content tree of the resource.
static EObject EcoreUtil.resolve(EObject proxy, Resource resourceContext)
          Returns the resolved object represented by proxy.
static void EcoreUtil.resolveAll(Resource resource)
          Visits all proxies in the resource and tries to resolve them.
protected  void ECrossReferenceAdapter.resolveProxy(Resource resource, EObject eObject, EObject proxy, EStructuralFeature.Setting setting)
protected  void ECrossReferenceAdapter.setTarget(Resource target)
          Handles installation of the adapter on a Resource by adding the adapter to each of the directly contained objects.
protected  void EContentAdapter.setTarget(Resource target)
          Handles installation of the adapter on a Resource by adding the adapter to each of the directly contained objects.
protected  void ECrossReferenceAdapter.unsetTarget(Resource target)
          Handles undoing the installation of the adapter from a Resource by removing the adapter to each of the directly contained objects.
protected  void EContentAdapter.unsetTarget(Resource target)
          Handles undoing the installation of the adapter from a Resource by removing the adapter from each of the directly contained objects.
 boolean EcoreValidator.validateEResource(Resource eResource, DiagnosticChain diagnostics, java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> context)

Constructors in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util with parameters of type Resource
EcoreUtil.CrossReferencer(Resource resource)
          Creates an instance for the given resource.
EcoreUtil.ExternalCrossReferencer(Resource resource)
          Creates an instance for the given resource.
EcoreUtil.ProxyCrossReferencer(Resource resource)
          Creates an instance for the given resource.
EcoreUtil.UnresolvedProxyCrossReferencer(Resource resource)
          Creates an instance for the given resource.
EcoreUtil.UsageCrossReferencer(Resource resource)
          Creates an instance for the given resource.

Constructor parameters in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util with type arguments of type Resource
EcoreUtil.ContentTreeIterator.ResourcesIterator(java.util.List<? extends Resource> resources)
          Constructs an instance.

Uses of Resource in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi

Subinterfaces of Resource in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi
 interface XMIResource
          A resource that serializes to XMI.
 interface XMLResource
          This interface represents an XML resource.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi that return types with arguments of type Resource
 java.util.Collection<? extends Resource> EcoreBuilder.generate(java.util.Collection<URI> uris)
          Given XML Schema location URIs this method creates corresponding Ecore model(s)
 java.util.Collection<? extends Resource> EcoreBuilder.generate(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,URI> targetNamespaceToURI)
          Given a map of XML Schema targetNamespaces (String) to XML Schema location URIs, this method generates corresponding Ecore model(s).
 java.util.Collection<? extends Resource> EcoreBuilder.generate(URI uri)
          Given an XML schema location URI this method creates corresponding Ecore model(s)

Uses of Resource in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl

Classes in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl that implement Resource
 class EMOFResourceImpl
          This class represents an Ecore model serialized as an EMOF XMI file.
 class GenericXMLResourceImpl
 class XMIResourceImpl
          This class represents an XMIResource.
 class XMLResourceImpl
          This class implements the XMLResource interface.

Fields in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl with type parameters of type Resource
protected  java.util.Collection<? extends Resource> GenericXMLResourceImpl.GenericSAXXMLHandler.generatedResources

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl that return Resource
 Resource XMLResourceFactoryImpl.createResource(URI uri)
          Creates an XMLResourceImpl and returns it.
 Resource EMOFResourceFactoryImpl.createResource(URI uri)
 Resource EcoreResourceFactoryImpl.createResource(URI uri)
 Resource XMIResourceFactoryImpl.createResource(URI uri)
 Resource GenericXMLResourceFactoryImpl.createResource(URI uri)

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl with parameters of type Resource
protected  URI XMLHelperImpl.getHREF(Resource otherResource, EObject obj)
protected  java.lang.String XMLHelperImpl.getURIFragment(Resource containingResource, EObject object)
protected  java.lang.String XMLHelperImpl.getURIFragmentQuery(Resource containingResource, EObject object)

Uses of Resource in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.util

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.util that return Resource
 Resource XMLProcessor.load(org.xml.sax.InputSource inputSource, java.util.Map<?,?> options)
 Resource XMLProcessor.load( is, java.util.Map<?,?> options)
 Resource XMLProcessor.load(org.w3c.dom.Node node, java.util.Map<?,?> options)
 Resource XMLProcessor.load(java.lang.String systemId, java.util.Map<?,?> options)
          Given a system identifier and option, this methods creates an EMF Resource (using URI#createURI method) and loads the resource data.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.util that return types with arguments of type Resource
 java.util.Collection<? extends Resource> DefaultEcoreBuilder.generate(java.util.Collection<URI> uris)
 java.util.Collection<? extends Resource> DefaultEcoreBuilder.generate(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,URI> targetNamespaceToURI)
 java.util.Collection<? extends Resource> DefaultEcoreBuilder.generate(URI uri)

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.util with parameters of type Resource
 void document, Resource resource, DOMHandler handler, java.util.Map<?,?> options)
 void outputStream, Resource resource, java.util.Map<?,?> options)
 void writer, Resource resource, java.util.Map<?,?> options)
 java.lang.String XMLProcessor.saveToString(Resource resource, java.util.Map<?,?> options)

Uses of Resource in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xml.type.util

Classes in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xml.type.util that implement Resource
 class XMLTypeResourceImpl
          Provides access to the generated frame factory for the built-in XML types.

Uses of Resource in org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain

Fields in org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain with type parameters of type Resource
protected  java.util.Map<Resource,java.lang.Boolean> AdapterFactoryEditingDomain.resourceToReadOnlyMap
          This controls whether the domain is read only.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain that return Resource
 Resource AdapterFactoryEditingDomain.createResource(java.lang.String fileNameURI)
          This is a convenience method to create a resource, you could use the resource set returned by AdapterFactoryEditingDomain.getResourceSet() directly.
 Resource EditingDomain.createResource(java.lang.String fileNameURI)
          This creates the specified resource in this editing domain's resource set.
 Resource AdapterFactoryEditingDomain.loadResource(java.lang.String fileNameURI)
          This is a convenience method to load a resource, you could use the resource set returned by AdapterFactoryEditingDomain.getResourceSet() directly.
 Resource EditingDomain.loadResource(java.lang.String fileNameURI)
          This loads the specified resource into this editing domain's resource set.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain that return types with arguments of type Resource
 java.util.Map<Resource,java.lang.Boolean> AdapterFactoryEditingDomain.getResourceToReadOnlyMap()
          Returns the map of resource to a Boolean value indicating whether the resource is read only.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain with parameters of type Resource
 boolean AdapterFactoryEditingDomain.isReadOnly(Resource resource)
          This returns whether the resource is read only.
 boolean EditingDomain.isReadOnly(Resource resource)
          This returns whether the resource is read only in editing domain.

Method parameters in org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain with type arguments of type Resource
 void AdapterFactoryEditingDomain.setResourceToReadOnlyMap(java.util.Map<Resource,java.lang.Boolean> resourceToReadOnlyMap)
          Set the map of resource to a Boolean value indicating whether the resource is read only.

Constructor parameters in org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain with type arguments of type Resource
AdapterFactoryEditingDomain(AdapterFactory adapterFactory, CommandStack commandStack, java.util.Map<Resource,java.lang.Boolean> resourceToReadOnlyMap)
          Create an instance from the adapter factory, the specialized command stack, and the map used to maintain read only state.

Uses of Resource in org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.action

Fields in org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.action declared as Resource
protected  Resource ControlAction.ControlResourceDialog.currentResource
protected  Resource ControlAction.ControlResourceDialog.resource

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.action that return Resource
protected  Resource ControlAction.getResource()
 Resource ControlAction.ControlResourceDialog.getResource()

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.action with parameters of type Resource
 void ValidateAction.EclipseResourcesUtil.createMarkers(Resource resource, Diagnostic diagnostic)
protected  boolean LoadResourceAction.LoadResourceDialog.processResource(Resource resource)

Constructors in org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.action with parameters of type Resource
ControlAction.ControlResourceDialog(Shell parent, EditingDomain domain, Resource currentResource)

Uses of Resource in org.eclipse.emf.importer

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.importer that return types with arguments of type Resource
protected  java.util.List<Resource> ModelImporter.computeResourcesToBeSaved()

Uses of Resource in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.ecore2ecore.action

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.ecore2ecore.action with parameters of type Resource
protected  IFile MapToEcoreActionDelegate.getFile(Resource resource)

Uses of Resource in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.ecore2ecore.util

Classes in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.ecore2ecore.util that implement Resource
 class Ecore2EcoreResourceImpl
          The Resource associated with the package

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.ecore2ecore.util that return Resource
 Resource Ecore2EcoreResourceFactoryImpl.createResource(URI uri)
          Creates an instance of the resource

Uses of Resource in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.ecore2xml.action

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.ecore2xml.action with parameters of type Resource
protected  IFile GenerateEcore2XMLActionDelegate.getFile(Resource resource)

Uses of Resource in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.ecore2xml.presentation

Fields in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.ecore2xml.presentation with type parameters of type Resource
protected  java.util.Collection<Resource> Ecore2XMLEditor.changedResources
          Resources that have been changed since last activation.
protected  java.util.Collection<Resource> Ecore2XMLEditor.removedResources
          Resources that have been removed since last activation.
protected  java.util.Map<Resource,Diagnostic> Ecore2XMLEditor.resourceToDiagnosticMap
          Map to store the diagnostic associated with a resource
protected  java.util.Collection<Resource> Ecore2XMLEditor.savedResources
          Resources that have been saved.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.ecore2xml.presentation with parameters of type Resource
 Diagnostic Ecore2XMLEditor.analyzeResourceProblems(Resource resource, java.lang.Exception exception)
          Returns a diagnostic describing the errors and warnings listed in the resource and the specified exception (if any)
protected  boolean Ecore2XMLEditor.isPersisted(Resource resource)
          This returns whether something has been persisted to the URI of the specified resource.

Uses of Resource in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.ecore2xml.util

Subinterfaces of Resource in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.ecore2xml.util
 interface Ecore2XMLResource
          The interface for Ecore2XML resources.

Classes in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.ecore2xml.util that implement Resource
 class Ecore2XMLResourceImpl
          The Resource associated with the package.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.ecore2xml.util that return Resource
 Resource Ecore2XMLResourceFactoryImpl.createResource(URI uri)
          Creates an instance of the resource

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