Release Notes for CDO S20240410-1137

These release notes have been generated from the commit log of the 4.x stream and the associated bugzillas.
The first commit is f79d9c34928b93f2847141c26a249de30a9f7ac6 in the master branch.
The last commit is ea6758a3ef4f0bbcc58f20a7466e97989407d8f8 in the master branch.
The previous build of the 4.x stream is R20240305-1216.

Table of Contents

Net4j Signalling Platform and Utilities

Bug Fixes

normal [GH-44] org.eclipse.net4j.util.lifecycle.Lifecycle is not fully thread-safe    closed in 4.27

The previous build of the 4.x stream is R20240305-1216.