@Inherited @Documented @Retention(value=RUNTIME) @Target(value={METHOD,TYPE}) @InterceptorBinding public @interface Retry
.Modifier and Type | Optional Element and Description |
Class<? extends Throwable>[] |
abortOn |
long |
The delay between retries.
ChronoUnit |
delayUnit |
ChronoUnit |
durationUnit |
long |
Set the jitter to randomly vary retry delays for.
ChronoUnit |
jitterDelayUnit |
long |
The max duration.
int |
maxRetries |
Class<? extends Throwable>[] |
retryOn |
public abstract int maxRetries
public abstract long delay
public abstract ChronoUnit delayUnit
public abstract long maxDuration
public abstract ChronoUnit durationUnit
public abstract long jitter
Set the jitter to randomly vary retry delays for. The value must be greater than or equals to 0. 0 means not set.
The effective delay will be [delay - jitter, delay + jitter] and always greater than or equal to 0. Negative effective delays will be 0.public abstract ChronoUnit jitterDelayUnit
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