Package org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.core.model
@OslcNamespaceDefinition(prefix="dcterms",namespaceURI="") @OslcNamespaceDefinition(prefix="oslc",namespaceURI="") @OslcNamespaceDefinition(prefix="rdf",namespaceURI="") @OslcNamespaceDefinition(prefix="rdfs",namespaceURI="")
package org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.core.model
ClassDescriptionAbstract implementation of
.Represents a resource of any (unknown) type, usually the object of a statement in anIExtendedResource
.Wrapper for resources to pass in properties map to filter output to a subset of the resource's propertiesA resource that can hold unknown properties and content.This interface provides a way to add custom prefixes at runtime.This interface helps model RDF reified statements in plain old Java objects.Special OSLC link type.ResponseInfo<T>Wrapper for a collection or resources returned from an HTTP GET to wrap that collection in a oslc:ResponseInfo elementConcrete ResponseInfo collection wrapper where resource are sent as an arrayConcrete ResponseInfo collection wrapper where resource are sent as anCollection
A special value type that can be added to an extended properties map of anIExtendedResource
to indicate the value is an XMLLiteral rather than a simple string.