Package org.eclipse.lyo.core.trs
@OslcNamespaceDefinition(prefix="dcterms",namespaceURI="") @OslcNamespaceDefinition(prefix="oslc",namespaceURI="") @OslcNamespaceDefinition(prefix="rdf",namespaceURI="") @OslcNamespaceDefinition(prefix="rdfs",namespaceURI="") @OslcNamespaceDefinition(prefix="trs",namespaceURI="") @OslcNamespaceDefinition(prefix="ldp",namespaceURI="") @OslcNamespaceDefinition(prefix="xsd",namespaceURI="")
package org.eclipse.lyo.core.trs
ClassDescriptionAbstract base class for
due to differences between RDF/XML output for a change log with and without entries.The Base of a Tracked Resource Set is a W3C Linked Data Platform (LDP) Container where each member references a Resource that was in the Resource Set at the time the Base was computed.Each entry referenced by trs:change is a Local Resource representing a Change Event consisting of the properties contained in this class.A Change Log provides a list of changes.Deprecated.This helper utility defines commonly used string literals from the HTTP specifications.HTTP method names, as documented by RFC2616, Section 9In TRS, the Base Resource is paginated using the W3C Linked Data Platform (LDP) Container pagination.An HTTP GET on a Tracked Resource Set URI returns a representation structured as follows (note: for exposition, the example snippets show the RDF information content using Turtle; the actual representation of these resources "on the wire" may vary):Set of constants useful for builing TRS implementations