Interface IOslcClient

All Known Implementing Classes:
OslcClient, OslcOAuthClient

public interface IOslcClient
An OSLC Client that extends the JAX-RS 2.0 REST client with OSLC specific CRUD and discovery capabilities. Client applications would typically provide a ClientBuilder to the constructor to configure the REST client too meet their needs.
  • Method Details

    • getClient

      Client getClient()
      Returns the JAX-RS client for this OslcClient. Do not touch unless needed.
      the JAX-RS client
    • getResource

      Response getResource(String url)
      Gets an OSLC resource using application/rdf+xml. Use getResource(String, String) to specify the media type or getResource(String, Map) to add other request headers.
    • getResource

      Response getResource(String url, String mediaType)
      Gets an OSLC resource. Use getResource(String, Map) instead to add other request headers.
      url - the resource URL
      mediaType - the requested media type to use in the HTTP Accept request header
    • getResource

      Response getResource(String url, Map<String,String> requestHeaders)
      Gets an OSLC resource.
      url - the resource URL
      requestHeaders - the HTTP request headers to use. If the Accept header is not in the map, it defaults to application/rdf+xml. If OSLC-Core-Version is not in the map, it defaults to 2.0.
    • getResource

      Response getResource(String url, Map<String,String> requestHeaders, String mediaType)
    • getResource

      Response getResource(String url, Map<String,String> requestHeaders, String mediaType, String configurationContext)
    • getResource

      Response getResource(String url, Map<String,String> requestHeaders, String mediaType, boolean handleRedirects)
    • getResource

      Response getResource(String url, Map<String,String> requestHeaders, String mediaType, String configurationContext, boolean handleRedirects)
    • deleteResource

      Response deleteResource(String url)
      Delete an OSLC resource and return a Wink ClientResponse
      url -
    • deleteResource

      Response deleteResource(String url, String configurationContext)
    • createResource

      Response createResource(String url, Object artifact, String mediaType)
      Create (POST) an artifact to a URL - usually an OSLC Creation Factory
    • createResource

      Response createResource(String url, Object artifact, String mediaType, String acceptType)
      Create (POST) an artifact to a URL - usually an OSLC Creation Factory
    • createResource

      Response createResource(String url, Object artifact, String mediaType, String acceptType, String configurationContext)
    • updateResource

      Response updateResource(String url, Object artifact, String mediaType)
      Update (PUT) an artifact to a URL - usually the URL for an existing OSLC artifact
    • updateResource

      Response updateResource(String url, Object artifact, String mediaType, String acceptType)
      Update (PUT) an artifact to a URL - usually the URL for an existing OSLC artifact
    • updateResource

      Response updateResource(String url, Object artifact, String mediaType, String acceptType, String ifMatch)
      Update (PUT) an artifact to a URL - usually the URL for an existing OSLC artifact
    • updateResource

      Response updateResource(String url, Object artifact, String mediaType, String acceptType, String ifMatch, String configurationContext)