Class TrsProviderHandler

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class TrsProviderHandler
    extends Object
    implements IProviderHandler
    Base class for every TRS provider. Handles all periodic operations for a TRS provider. This is the first version which was developed of a TRS provider which does not support any multi threading of A TRS provider's opreations The TRSProviderMultiThreaded class extends this class with support for multithreading.
    • Method Detail

      • update

        public void update()
        Implementation of the method inherited from the TRSTaskHandler class. a call to the periodic processing of the change events is done. If an exception is thrown it's logged and the uri of the last processed change event is set to null. This means that during the next period the processing of the base will be done all over again
        Specified by:
        update in interface IProviderHandler
      • baseChangeEventsOptimization

        protected void baseChangeEventsOptimization​(List<ChangeEvent> compressedChangesList,
                                                    List<URI> baseMembers)
        remove from the URI list the resources for which an event is already present in the change event list. Done to avoid processing base members uselessly
        compressedChangesList - the optimized list of change events
        baseMembers - the members of the base