Class ConcurrentTrsProviderHandler

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ConcurrentTrsProviderHandler
    extends Object
    implements IProviderHandler
    Specialization fothe TRS provider class which supports multithreading when it comes to the processing of the base members and the change events. Additionally, processes the sparql updates as a single transaction. In case the sparql update transaction is not successful, then the indexing of the base members is restarted all over again
    • Method Detail

      • fetchRemoteChangeLogs

        public boolean fetchRemoteChangeLogs​(ChangeLog currentChangeLog,
                                             List<ChangeLog> changeLogs)
        Request the pages of the change log from the TRS provider sequentially through the traversal of the paging information until the last processed change event is found. Add the fetched change logs to the changeLogs argument. In case the last processed change event is found true is returned otherwise false is returned
        currentChangeLog - the first change log from which the next page will be retrieved to retrieve the other pages of the change log
        changeLogs - the list of change logs which will be filled with the pages of the change log
        true if the last processed change event is found, false otherwise