Class AbstractResource

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractResource

        protected AbstractResource​(URI about)
      • AbstractResource

        protected AbstractResource()
    • Method Detail

      • setAbout

        public final void setAbout​(URI about)
        Specified by:
        setAbout in interface IResource
      • setExtendedProperties

        public void setExtendedProperties​(Map<QName,​Object> properties)
        Description copied from interface: IExtendedResource
        Sets extended properties not defined in the bean.
        Specified by:
        setExtendedProperties in interface IExtendedResource
        properties - a map of properties where the key is the predicate qualified name and the value is the object of the statement. Values are collections if there are multiple statements for a predicate.
      • getExtendedProperties

        public Map<QName,​Object> getExtendedProperties()
        Description copied from interface: IExtendedResource
        Gets back the list of extended properties not defined in this bean.
        Specified by:
        getExtendedProperties in interface IExtendedResource
        the extended properties, a map of properties where the key is the predicate qualified name and the value is the object of the statement