Interface OSLC4JConstants

  • public interface OSLC4JConstants
    • Field Detail


        static final Map<String,​Object> OSL4J_PROPERTY_SINGLETON

        static final String OSLC4J_QUERY_RESULT_LIST_AS_CONTAINER
        System property "org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.queryResultListAsContainer" : When "true", the query result list type will be, otherwise it will have no type. No type is the default.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final String OSLC4J_ALWAYS_XML_ABBREV
        System property "org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.alwaysXMLAbbrev" : When "true", always abbreviate RDF/XML, even when asked for application/rdf+xml. Otherwise, abbreviated RDF/XML is only returned when application/xml is requested. Does not affect text/turtle responses.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final String OSLC4J_STRICT_DATATYPES
        System property "org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.strictDatatypes" : When "true" (default), fail on when reading a property value that is not a legal instance of a datatype. When "false", skip over invalid values in extended properties.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final String LYO_STORE_PAGING_UNSAFE
        System property "org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.storePagingUnsafe" : When "false" (default), add an OrderBy clause to the queries in LyoStore that involve paging. When "true", do not add such an OrderBy clause, in the hope that the triplestore sorting algorithm is stable- properties.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final String LYO_STORE_PAGING_PRECISE_LIMIT
        System property "org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.storePagingPreciseLimit" : When "true" (default), expect the store to return exactly the number of entries in the request when dealing with paging. When "false", expect the store to return an additional element to indicate that additional pages exist.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values