Class TranslationBundle

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    ArchiveText, BCText, CLIText, DfsText, HttpApacheText, HttpServerText, JGitText, JSchText, LfsServerText, LfsText, RepoText, SshdText, Texts, UIText

    public abstract class TranslationBundle
    extends Object
    Base class for all translation bundles that provides injection of translated texts into public String fields.

    The usage pattern is shown with the following example. First define a new translation bundle:

     public class TransportText extends TranslationBundle {
            public static TransportText get() {
                    return NLS.getBundleFor(TransportText.class);
            public String repositoryNotFound;
            public String transportError;
    Second, define one or more resource bundle property files.
                    repositoryNotFound=repository {0} not found
                    transportError=unknown error talking to {0}
                    repositoryNotFound=repository {0} nicht gefunden
                    transportError=unbekannter Fehler während der Kommunikation mit {0}
    Then make use of it:
     NLS.setLocale(Locale.GERMAN); // or skip this call to stick to the JVM default locale
     throw new TransportException(uri, TransportText.get().transportError);
    The translated text is automatically injected into the public String fields according to the locale set with NLS.setLocale(Locale). However, the NLS.setLocale(Locale) method defines only prefered locale which will be honored only if it is supported by the provided resource bundle property files. Basically, this class will use ResourceBundle.getBundle(String, Locale) method to load a resource bundle. See the documentation of this method for a detailed explanation of resource bundle loading strategy. After a bundle is created the effectiveLocale() method can be used to determine whether the bundle really corresponds to the requested locale or is a fallback.

    To load a String from a resource bundle property file this class uses the ResourceBundle.getString(String). This method can throw the MissingResourceException and this class is not making any effort to catch and/or translate this exception.

    To define a concrete translation bundle one has to:

    • extend this class
    • define a public static get() method like in the example above
    • define public static String fields for each text message
    • make sure the translation bundle class provide public no arg constructor
    • provide one or more resource bundle property files in the same package where the translation bundle class resides
    • Constructor Detail

      • TranslationBundle

        public TranslationBundle()
    • Method Detail

      • effectiveLocale

        public Locale effectiveLocale()
        Get the locale used for loading the resource bundle from which the field values were taken.
        the locale used for loading the resource bundle from which the field values were taken.
      • resourceBundle

        public ResourceBundle resourceBundle()
        Get the resource bundle on which this translation bundle is based.
        the resource bundle on which this translation bundle is based.