Class LongList

  • public class LongList
    extends Object
    A more efficient List<Long> using a primitive long array.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Create an empty list with a default capacity.
      LongList​(int capacity)
      Create an empty list with the specified capacity.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LongList

        public LongList()
        Create an empty list with a default capacity.
      • LongList

        public LongList​(int capacity)
        Create an empty list with the specified capacity.
        capacity - number of entries the list can initially hold.
    • Method Detail

      • size

        public int size()
        Get number of entries in this list
        number of entries in this list
      • get

        public long get​(int i)
        Get the value at the specified index
        i - index to read, must be in the range [0, size()).
        the number at the specified index
        ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - the index outside the valid range
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(long value)
        Determine if an entry appears in this collection.
        value - the value to search for.
        true of value appears in this list.
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Clear this list
      • add

        public void add​(long n)
        Add an entry to the end of the list.
        n - the number to add.
      • set

        public void set​(int index,
                        long n)
        Assign an entry in the list.
        index - index to set, must be in the range [0, size()).
        n - value to store at the position.
      • fillTo

        public void fillTo​(int toIndex,
                           long val)
        Pad the list with entries.
        toIndex - index position to stop filling at. 0 inserts no filler. 1 ensures the list has a size of 1, adding val if the list is currently empty.
        val - value to insert into padded positions.
      • sort

        public void sort()
        Sort the list of longs according to their natural ordering.