Class SymbolicRef

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SymbolicRef
    extends Object
    implements Ref
    A reference that indirectly points at another Ref.

    A symbolic reference always derives its current value from the target reference.

    • Constructor Detail

      • SymbolicRef

        public SymbolicRef​(@NonNull
                           String refName,
                           Ref target)
        Create a new ref pairing.
        refName - name of this ref.
        target - the ref we reference and derive our value from.
      • SymbolicRef

        public SymbolicRef​(@NonNull
                           String refName,
                           Ref target,
                           long updateIndex)
        Create a new ref pairing.
        refName - name of this ref.
        target - the ref we reference and derive our value from.
        updateIndex - index that increases with each update of the reference
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        What this ref is called within the repository.
        Specified by:
        getName in interface Ref
        name of this ref.
      • isSymbolic

        public boolean isSymbolic()
        Test if this reference is a symbolic reference.

        A symbolic reference does not have its own ObjectId value, but instead points to another Ref in the same database and always uses that other reference's value as its own.

        Specified by:
        isSymbolic in interface Ref
        true if this is a symbolic reference; false if this reference contains its own ObjectId.
      • getTarget

        public Ref getTarget()
        Get the reference this reference points to, or this.

        If Ref.isSymbolic() is true this method returns the reference it directly names, which might not be the leaf reference, but could be another symbolic reference.

        If this is a leaf level reference that contains its own ObjectId,this method returns this.

        Specified by:
        getTarget in interface Ref
        the target reference, or this.
      • getObjectId

        public ObjectId getObjectId()
        Cached value of this ref.
        Specified by:
        getObjectId in interface Ref
        the value of this ref at the last time we read it. May be null to indicate a ref that does not exist yet or a symbolic ref pointing to an unborn branch.
      • getStorage

        public Ref.Storage getStorage()
        How was this ref obtained?

        The current storage model of a Ref may influence how the ref must be updated or deleted from the repository.

        Specified by:
        getStorage in interface Ref
        type of ref.
      • getPeeledObjectId

        public ObjectId getPeeledObjectId()
        Cached value of ref^{} (the ref peeled to commit).
        Specified by:
        getPeeledObjectId in interface Ref
        if this ref is an annotated tag the id of the commit (or tree or blob) that the annotated tag refers to; null if this ref does not refer to an annotated tag.
      • isPeeled

        public boolean isPeeled()
        Whether the Ref represents a peeled tag.
        Specified by:
        isPeeled in interface Ref
        whether the Ref represents a peeled tag.
      • getUpdateIndex

        public long getUpdateIndex()
        Indicator of the relative order between updates of a specific reference name. A number that increases when a reference is updated.

        With symbolic references, the update index refers to updates of the symbolic reference itself. For example, if HEAD points to refs/heads/master, then the update index for exactRef("HEAD") will only increase when HEAD changes to point to another ref, regardless of how many times refs/heads/master is updated.

        Should not be used unless the RefDatabase that instantiated the ref supports versioning (see RefDatabase.hasVersioning())

        Specified by:
        getUpdateIndex in interface Ref
        the update index (i.e. version) of this reference.