Class ReftableConfig

  • public class ReftableConfig
    extends Object
    Configuration used by a reftable writer when constructing the stream.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ReftableConfig

        public ReftableConfig()
        Create a default configuration.
      • ReftableConfig

        public ReftableConfig​(Repository db)
        Create a configuration honoring the repository's settings.
        db - the repository to read settings from. The repository is not retained by the new configuration, instead its settings are copied during the constructor.
      • ReftableConfig

        public ReftableConfig​(Config cfg)
        Create a configuration honoring settings in a Config.
        cfg - the source to read settings from. The source is not retained by the new configuration, instead its settings are copied during the constructor.
      • ReftableConfig

        public ReftableConfig​(ReftableConfig cfg)
        Copy an existing configuration to a new instance.
        cfg - the source configuration to copy from.
    • Method Detail

      • getRefBlockSize

        public int getRefBlockSize()
        Get desired output block size for references, in bytes.
        desired output block size for references, in bytes.
      • setRefBlockSize

        public void setRefBlockSize​(int szBytes)
        Set desired output block size for references, in bytes.
        szBytes - desired output block size for references, in bytes.
      • getLogBlockSize

        public int getLogBlockSize()
        Get desired output block size for log entries, in bytes.
        desired output block size for log entries, in bytes. If 0 the writer will default to 2 * getRefBlockSize().
      • setLogBlockSize

        public void setLogBlockSize​(int szBytes)
        Set desired output block size for log entries, in bytes.
        szBytes - desired output block size for log entries, in bytes. If 0 will default to 2 * getRefBlockSize().
      • getRestartInterval

        public int getRestartInterval()
        Get number of references between binary search markers.
        number of references between binary search markers.
      • setRestartInterval

        public void setRestartInterval​(int interval)

        Setter for the field restartInterval.

        interval - number of references between binary search markers. If interval is 0 (default), the writer will select a default value based on the block size.
      • getMaxIndexLevels

        public int getMaxIndexLevels()
        Get maximum depth of the index; 0 for unlimited.
        maximum depth of the index; 0 for unlimited.
      • setMaxIndexLevels

        public void setMaxIndexLevels​(int levels)
        Set maximum number of levels to use in indexes.
        levels - maximum number of levels to use in indexes. Lower levels of the index respect getRefBlockSize(), and the highest level may exceed that if the number of levels is limited.
      • isAlignBlocks

        public boolean isAlignBlocks()
        Whether the writer should align blocks.
        true if the writer should align blocks.
      • setAlignBlocks

        public void setAlignBlocks​(boolean align)
        Whether blocks are written aligned to multiples of getRefBlockSize().
        align - if true blocks are written aligned to multiples of getRefBlockSize(). May increase file size due to NUL padding bytes added between blocks. Default is true.
      • isIndexObjects

        public boolean isIndexObjects()
        Whether the writer should index object to ref.
        true if the writer should index object to ref.
      • setIndexObjects

        public void setIndexObjects​(boolean index)
        Whether the reftable may include additional storage to efficiently map from ObjectId to reference names.
        index - if true the reftable may include additional storage to efficiently map from ObjectId to reference names. By default, true.
      • fromConfig

        public void fromConfig​(Config rc)
        Update properties by setting fields from the configuration. If a property's corresponding variable is not defined in the supplied configuration, then it is left unmodified.
        rc - configuration to read properties from.