Class FileNameMatcher

  • public class FileNameMatcher
    extends Object
    This class can be used to match filenames against fnmatch like patterns. It is not thread save.

    Supported are the wildcard characters * and ? and groups with:

    • characters e.g. [abc]
    • ranges e.g. [a-z]
    • the following character classes
      • [:alnum:]
      • [:alpha:]
      • [:blank:]
      • [:cntrl:]
      • [:digit:]
      • [:graph:]
      • [:lower:]
      • [:print:]
      • [:punct:]
      • [:space:]
      • [:upper:]
      • [:word:]
      • [:xdigit:]
      e. g. [[:xdigit:]]
    Any character can be escaped by prepending it with a \
    • Constructor Detail

      • FileNameMatcher

        public FileNameMatcher​(String patternString,
                               Character invalidWildgetCharacter)
                        throws InvalidPatternException
        Constructor for FileNameMatcher
        patternString - must contain a pattern which fnmatch would accept.
        invalidWildgetCharacter - if this parameter isn't null then this character will not match at wildcards(* and ? are wildcards).
        InvalidPatternException - if the patternString contains a invalid fnmatch pattern.
      • FileNameMatcher

        public FileNameMatcher​(FileNameMatcher other)
        A Copy Constructor which creates a new FileNameMatcher with the same state and reset point like other.
        other - another FileNameMatcher instance.
    • Method Detail

      • append

        public void append​(String stringToMatch)
        Append to the string which is matched against the patterns of this class
        stringToMatch - extends the string which is matched against the patterns of this class.
      • reset

        public void reset()
        Resets this matcher to it's state right after construction.
      • createMatcherForSuffix

        public FileNameMatcher createMatcherForSuffix()
        Create a FileNameMatcher instance which uses the same pattern like this matcher, but has the current state of this matcher as reset and start point
        a FileNameMatcher instance which uses the same pattern like this matcher, but has the current state of this matcher as reset and start point.
      • isMatch

        public boolean isMatch()
        Whether the matcher matches
        whether the matcher matches
      • canAppendMatch

        public boolean canAppendMatch()
        Whether a match can be appended
        a boolean.