Class DirCacheEditor.DeleteTree

    • Constructor Detail

      • DeleteTree

        public DeleteTree​(String entryPath)
        Create a new tree deletion command by path name.
        entryPath - path of the subtree within the repository. If the path does not end with "/" a "/" is implicitly added to ensure only the subtree's contents are matched by the command. The special case "" (not "/"!) deletes all entries.
    • Method Detail

      • apply

        public void apply​(DirCacheEntry ent)
        Description copied from class: DirCacheEditor.PathEdit
        Apply the update to a single cache entry matching the path.

        After apply is invoked the entry is added to the output table, and will be included in the new index.

        Specified by:
        apply in class DirCacheEditor.PathEdit
        ent - the entry being processed. All fields are zeroed out if the path is a new path in the index.