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1   /*
2    * Copyright (C) 2010, Google Inc. and others
3    *
4    * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5    * terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
6    *
7    *
8    * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
9    */
11  package;
13  import;
14  import;
16  /**
17   * Index of blocks in a source file.
18   * <p>
19   * The index can be passed a result buffer, and output an instruction sequence
20   * that transforms the source buffer used by the index into the result buffer.
21   * The instruction sequence can be executed by
22   * {@link} to recreate the
23   * result buffer.
24   * <p>
25   * An index stores the entire contents of the source buffer, but also a table of
26   * block identities mapped to locations where the block appears in the source
27   * buffer. The mapping table uses 12 bytes for every 16 bytes of source buffer,
28   * and is therefore ~75% of the source buffer size. The overall index is ~1.75x
29   * the size of the source buffer. This relationship holds for any JVM, as only a
30   * constant number of objects are allocated per index. Callers can use the
31   * method {@link #getIndexSize()} to obtain a reasonably accurate estimate of
32   * the complete heap space used by this index.
33   * <p>
34   * A {@code DeltaIndex} is thread-safe. Concurrent threads can use the same
35   * index to encode delta instructions for different result buffers.
36   */
37  public class DeltaIndex {
38  	/** Number of bytes in a block. */
39  	static final int BLKSZ = 16; // must be 16, see unrolled loop in hashBlock
41  	/**
42  	 * Estimate the size of an index for a given source.
43  	 * <p>
44  	 * This is roughly a worst-case estimate. The actual index may be smaller.
45  	 *
46  	 * @param sourceLength
47  	 *            length of the source, in bytes.
48  	 * @return estimated size. Approximately {@code 1.75 * sourceLength}.
49  	 */
50  	public static long estimateIndexSize(int sourceLength) {
51  		return sourceLength + (sourceLength * 3 / 4);
52  	}
54  	/**
55  	 * Maximum number of positions to consider for a given content hash.
56  	 * <p>
57  	 * All positions with the same content hash are stored into a single chain.
58  	 * The chain size is capped to ensure delta encoding stays linear time at
59  	 * O(len_src + len_dst) rather than quadratic at O(len_src * len_dst).
60  	 */
61  	private static final int MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH = 64;
63  	/** Original source file that we indexed. */
64  	private final byte[] src;
66  	/**
67  	 * Pointers into the {@link #entries} table, indexed by block hash.
68  	 * <p>
69  	 * A block hash is masked with {@link #tableMask} to become the array index
70  	 * of this table. The value stored here is the first index within
71  	 * {@link #entries} that starts the consecutive list of blocks with that
72  	 * same masked hash. If there are no matching blocks, 0 is stored instead.
73  	 * <p>
74  	 * Note that this table is always a power of 2 in size, to support fast
75  	 * normalization of a block hash into an array index.
76  	 */
77  	private final int[] table;
79  	/**
80  	 * Pairs of block hash value and {@link #src} offsets.
81  	 * <p>
82  	 * The very first entry in this table at index 0 is always empty, this is to
83  	 * allow fast evaluation when {@link #table} has no values under any given
84  	 * slot. Remaining entries are pairs of integers, with the upper 32 bits
85  	 * holding the block hash and the lower 32 bits holding the source offset.
86  	 */
87  	private final long[] entries;
89  	/** Mask to make block hashes into an array index for {@link #table}. */
90  	private final int tableMask;
92  	/**
93  	 * Construct an index from the source file.
94  	 *
95  	 * @param sourceBuffer
96  	 *            the source file's raw contents. The buffer will be held by the
97  	 *            index instance to facilitate matching, and therefore must not
98  	 *            be modified by the caller.
99  	 */
100 	public DeltaIndex(byte[] sourceBuffer) {
101 		src = sourceBuffer;
103 		DeltaIndexScanner scan = new DeltaIndexScanner(src, src.length);
105 		// Reuse the same table the scanner made. We will replace the
106 		// values at each position, but we want the same-length array.
107 		//
108 		table = scan.table;
109 		tableMask = scan.tableMask;
111 		// Because entry index 0 means there are no entries for the
112 		// slot in the table, we have to allocate one extra position.
113 		//
114 		entries = new long[1 + countEntries(scan)];
115 		copyEntries(scan);
116 	}
118 	private int countEntries(DeltaIndexScanner scan) {
119 		// Figure out exactly how many entries we need. As we do the
120 		// enumeration truncate any delta chains longer than what we
121 		// are willing to scan during encode. This keeps the encode
122 		// logic linear in the size of the input rather than quadratic.
123 		//
124 		int cnt = 0;
125 		for (int element : table) {
126 			int h = element;
127 			if (h == 0)
128 				continue;
130 			int len = 0;
131 			do {
132 				if (++len == MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH) {
133[h] = 0;
134 					break;
135 				}
136 				h =[h];
137 			} while (h != 0);
138 			cnt += len;
139 		}
140 		return cnt;
141 	}
143 	private void copyEntries(DeltaIndexScanner scan) {
144 		// Rebuild the entries list from the scanner, positioning all
145 		// blocks in the same hash chain next to each other. We can
146 		// then later discard the next list, along with the scanner.
147 		//
148 		int next = 1;
149 		for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) {
150 			int h = table[i];
151 			if (h == 0)
152 				continue;
154 			table[i] = next;
155 			do {
156 				entries[next++] = scan.entries[h];
157 				h =[h];
158 			} while (h != 0);
159 		}
160 	}
162 	/**
163 	 * Get size of the source buffer this index has scanned.
164 	 *
165 	 * @return size of the source buffer this index has scanned.
166 	 */
167 	public long getSourceSize() {
168 		return src.length;
169 	}
171 	/**
172 	 * Get an estimate of the memory required by this index.
173 	 *
174 	 * @return an approximation of the number of bytes used by this index in
175 	 *         memory. The size includes the cached source buffer size from
176 	 *         {@link #getSourceSize()}, as well as a rough approximation of JVM
177 	 *         object overheads.
178 	 */
179 	public long getIndexSize() {
180 		long sz = 8 /* object header */;
181 		sz += 4 /* fields */* 4 /* guessed size per field */;
182 		sz += sizeOf(src);
183 		sz += sizeOf(table);
184 		sz += sizeOf(entries);
185 		return sz;
186 	}
188 	private static long sizeOf(byte[] b) {
189 		return sizeOfArray(1, b.length);
190 	}
192 	private static long sizeOf(int[] b) {
193 		return sizeOfArray(4, b.length);
194 	}
196 	private static long sizeOf(long[] b) {
197 		return sizeOfArray(8, b.length);
198 	}
200 	private static int sizeOfArray(int entSize, int len) {
201 		return 12 /* estimated array header size */+ (len * entSize);
202 	}
204 	/**
205 	 * Generate a delta sequence to recreate the result buffer.
206 	 * <p>
207 	 * There is no limit on the size of the delta sequence created. This is the
208 	 * same as {@code encode(out, res, 0)}.
209 	 *
210 	 * @param out
211 	 *            stream to receive the delta instructions that can transform
212 	 *            this index's source buffer into {@code res}. This stream
213 	 *            should be buffered, as instructions are written directly to it
214 	 *            in small bursts.
215 	 * @param res
216 	 *            the desired result buffer. The generated instructions will
217 	 *            recreate this buffer when applied to the source buffer stored
218 	 *            within this index.
219 	 * @throws
220 	 *             the output stream refused to write the instructions.
221 	 */
222 	public void encode(OutputStream out, byte[] res) throws IOException {
223 		encode(out, res, 0 /* no limit */);
224 	}
226 	/**
227 	 * Generate a delta sequence to recreate the result buffer.
228 	 *
229 	 * @param out
230 	 *            stream to receive the delta instructions that can transform
231 	 *            this index's source buffer into {@code res}. This stream
232 	 *            should be buffered, as instructions are written directly to it
233 	 *            in small bursts. If the caller might need to discard the
234 	 *            instructions (such as when deltaSizeLimit would be exceeded)
235 	 *            the caller is responsible for discarding or rewinding the
236 	 *            stream when this method returns false.
237 	 * @param res
238 	 *            the desired result buffer. The generated instructions will
239 	 *            recreate this buffer when applied to the source buffer stored
240 	 *            within this index.
241 	 * @param deltaSizeLimit
242 	 *            maximum number of bytes that the delta instructions can
243 	 *            occupy. If the generated instructions would be longer than
244 	 *            this amount, this method returns false. If 0, there is no
245 	 *            limit on the length of delta created.
246 	 * @return true if the delta is smaller than deltaSizeLimit; false if the
247 	 *         encoder aborted because the encoded delta instructions would be
248 	 *         longer than deltaSizeLimit bytes.
249 	 * @throws
250 	 *             the output stream refused to write the instructions.
251 	 */
252 	public boolean encode(OutputStream out, byte[] res, int deltaSizeLimit)
253 			throws IOException {
254 		final int end = res.length;
255 		final DeltaEncoder enc = newEncoder(out, end, deltaSizeLimit);
257 		// If either input is smaller than one full block, we simply punt
258 		// and construct a delta as a literal. This implies that any file
259 		// smaller than our block size is never delta encoded as the delta
260 		// will always be larger than the file itself would be.
261 		//
262 		if (end < BLKSZ || table.length == 0)
263 			return enc.insert(res);
265 		// Bootstrap the scan by constructing a hash for the first block
266 		// in the input.
267 		//
268 		int blkPtr = 0;
269 		int blkEnd = BLKSZ;
270 		int hash = hashBlock(res, 0);
272 		int resPtr = 0;
273 		while (blkEnd < end) {
274 			final int tableIdx = hash & tableMask;
275 			int entryIdx = table[tableIdx];
276 			if (entryIdx == 0) {
277 				// No matching blocks, slide forward one byte.
278 				//
279 				hash = step(hash, res[blkPtr++], res[blkEnd++]);
280 				continue;
281 			}
283 			// For every possible location of the current block, try to
284 			// extend the match out to the longest common substring.
285 			//
286 			int bestLen = -1;
287 			int bestPtr = -1;
288 			int bestNeg = 0;
289 			do {
290 				long ent = entries[entryIdx++];
291 				if (keyOf(ent) == hash) {
292 					int neg = 0;
293 					if (resPtr < blkPtr) {
294 						// If we need to do an insertion, check to see if
295 						// moving the starting point of the copy backwards
296 						// will allow us to shorten the insert. Our hash
297 						// may not have allowed us to identify this area.
298 						// Since it is quite fast to perform a negative
299 						// scan, try to stretch backwards too.
300 						//
301 						neg = blkPtr - resPtr;
302 						neg = negmatch(res, blkPtr, src, valOf(ent), neg);
303 					}
305 					int len = neg + fwdmatch(res, blkPtr, src, valOf(ent));
306 					if (bestLen < len) {
307 						bestLen = len;
308 						bestPtr = valOf(ent);
309 						bestNeg = neg;
310 					}
311 				} else if ((keyOf(ent) & tableMask) != tableIdx)
312 					break;
313 			} while (bestLen < 4096 && entryIdx < entries.length);
315 			if (bestLen < BLKSZ) {
316 				// All of the locations were false positives, or the copy
317 				// is shorter than a block. In the latter case this won't
318 				// give us a very great copy instruction, so delay and try
319 				// at the next byte.
320 				//
321 				hash = step(hash, res[blkPtr++], res[blkEnd++]);
322 				continue;
323 			}
325 			blkPtr -= bestNeg;
327 			if (resPtr < blkPtr) {
328 				// There are bytes between the last instruction we made
329 				// and the current block pointer. None of these matched
330 				// during the earlier iteration so insert them directly
331 				// into the instruction stream.
332 				//
333 				int cnt = blkPtr - resPtr;
334 				if (!enc.insert(res, resPtr, cnt))
335 					return false;
336 			}
338 			if (!enc.copy(bestPtr - bestNeg, bestLen))
339 				return false;
341 			blkPtr += bestLen;
342 			resPtr = blkPtr;
343 			blkEnd = blkPtr + BLKSZ;
345 			// If we don't have a full block available to us, abort now.
346 			//
347 			if (end <= blkEnd)
348 				break;
350 			// Start a new hash of the block after the copy region.
351 			//
352 			hash = hashBlock(res, blkPtr);
353 		}
355 		if (resPtr < end) {
356 			// There were bytes at the end which didn't match, or maybe
357 			// didn't make a full block. Insert whatever is left over.
358 			//
359 			int cnt = end - resPtr;
360 			return enc.insert(res, resPtr, cnt);
361 		}
362 		return true;
363 	}
365 	private DeltaEncoder newEncoder(OutputStream out, long resSize, int limit)
366 			throws IOException {
367 		return new DeltaEncoder(out, getSourceSize(), resSize, limit);
368 	}
370 	private static int fwdmatch(byte[] res, int resPtr, byte[] src, int srcPtr) {
371 		int start = resPtr;
372 		for (; resPtr < res.length && srcPtr < src.length; resPtr++, srcPtr++) {
373 			if (res[resPtr] != src[srcPtr])
374 				break;
375 		}
376 		return resPtr - start;
377 	}
379 	private static int negmatch(byte[] res, int resPtr, byte[] src, int srcPtr,
380 			int limit) {
381 		if (srcPtr == 0)
382 			return 0;
384 		resPtr--;
385 		srcPtr--;
386 		int start = resPtr;
387 		do {
388 			if (res[resPtr] != src[srcPtr])
389 				break;
390 			resPtr--;
391 			srcPtr--;
392 		} while (0 <= srcPtr && 0 < --limit);
393 		return start - resPtr;
394 	}
396 	/** {@inheritDoc} */
397 	@Override
398 	@SuppressWarnings("nls")
399 	public String toString() {
400 		String[] units = { "bytes", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB" };
401 		long sz = getIndexSize();
402 		int u = 0;
403 		while (1024 <= sz && u < units.length - 1) {
404 			int rem = (int) (sz % 1024);
405 			sz /= 1024;
406 			if (rem != 0)
407 				sz++;
408 			u++;
409 		}
410 		return "DeltaIndex[" + sz + " " + units[u] + "]";
411 	}
413 	static int hashBlock(byte[] raw, int ptr) {
414 		int hash;
416 		// The first 4 steps collapse out into a 4 byte big-endian decode,
417 		// with a larger right shift as we combined shift lefts together.
418 		//
419 		hash = ((raw[ptr] & 0xff) << 24) //
420 				| ((raw[ptr + 1] & 0xff) << 16) //
421 				| ((raw[ptr + 2] & 0xff) << 8) //
422 				| (raw[ptr + 3] & 0xff);
423 		hash ^= T[hash >>> 31];
425 		hash = ((hash << 8) | (raw[ptr + 4] & 0xff)) ^ T[hash >>> 23];
426 		hash = ((hash << 8) | (raw[ptr + 5] & 0xff)) ^ T[hash >>> 23];
427 		hash = ((hash << 8) | (raw[ptr + 6] & 0xff)) ^ T[hash >>> 23];
428 		hash = ((hash << 8) | (raw[ptr + 7] & 0xff)) ^ T[hash >>> 23];
430 		hash = ((hash << 8) | (raw[ptr + 8] & 0xff)) ^ T[hash >>> 23];
431 		hash = ((hash << 8) | (raw[ptr + 9] & 0xff)) ^ T[hash >>> 23];
432 		hash = ((hash << 8) | (raw[ptr + 10] & 0xff)) ^ T[hash >>> 23];
433 		hash = ((hash << 8) | (raw[ptr + 11] & 0xff)) ^ T[hash >>> 23];
435 		hash = ((hash << 8) | (raw[ptr + 12] & 0xff)) ^ T[hash >>> 23];
436 		hash = ((hash << 8) | (raw[ptr + 13] & 0xff)) ^ T[hash >>> 23];
437 		hash = ((hash << 8) | (raw[ptr + 14] & 0xff)) ^ T[hash >>> 23];
438 		hash = ((hash << 8) | (raw[ptr + 15] & 0xff)) ^ T[hash >>> 23];
440 		return hash;
441 	}
443 	private static int step(int hash, byte toRemove, byte toAdd) {
444 		hash ^= U[toRemove & 0xff];
445 		return ((hash << 8) | (toAdd & 0xff)) ^ T[hash >>> 23];
446 	}
448 	private static int keyOf(long ent) {
449 		return (int) (ent >>> 32);
450 	}
452 	private static int valOf(long ent) {
453 		return (int) ent;
454 	}
456 	private static final int[] T = { 0x00000000, 0xd4c6b32d, 0x7d4bd577,
457 			0xa98d665a, 0x2e5119c3, 0xfa97aaee, 0x531accb4, 0x87dc7f99,
458 			0x5ca23386, 0x886480ab, 0x21e9e6f1, 0xf52f55dc, 0x72f32a45,
459 			0xa6359968, 0x0fb8ff32, 0xdb7e4c1f, 0x6d82d421, 0xb944670c,
460 			0x10c90156, 0xc40fb27b, 0x43d3cde2, 0x97157ecf, 0x3e981895,
461 			0xea5eabb8, 0x3120e7a7, 0xe5e6548a, 0x4c6b32d0, 0x98ad81fd,
462 			0x1f71fe64, 0xcbb74d49, 0x623a2b13, 0xb6fc983e, 0x0fc31b6f,
463 			0xdb05a842, 0x7288ce18, 0xa64e7d35, 0x219202ac, 0xf554b181,
464 			0x5cd9d7db, 0x881f64f6, 0x536128e9, 0x87a79bc4, 0x2e2afd9e,
465 			0xfaec4eb3, 0x7d30312a, 0xa9f68207, 0x007be45d, 0xd4bd5770,
466 			0x6241cf4e, 0xb6877c63, 0x1f0a1a39, 0xcbcca914, 0x4c10d68d,
467 			0x98d665a0, 0x315b03fa, 0xe59db0d7, 0x3ee3fcc8, 0xea254fe5,
468 			0x43a829bf, 0x976e9a92, 0x10b2e50b, 0xc4745626, 0x6df9307c,
469 			0xb93f8351, 0x1f8636de, 0xcb4085f3, 0x62cde3a9, 0xb60b5084,
470 			0x31d72f1d, 0xe5119c30, 0x4c9cfa6a, 0x985a4947, 0x43240558,
471 			0x97e2b675, 0x3e6fd02f, 0xeaa96302, 0x6d751c9b, 0xb9b3afb6,
472 			0x103ec9ec, 0xc4f87ac1, 0x7204e2ff, 0xa6c251d2, 0x0f4f3788,
473 			0xdb8984a5, 0x5c55fb3c, 0x88934811, 0x211e2e4b, 0xf5d89d66,
474 			0x2ea6d179, 0xfa606254, 0x53ed040e, 0x872bb723, 0x00f7c8ba,
475 			0xd4317b97, 0x7dbc1dcd, 0xa97aaee0, 0x10452db1, 0xc4839e9c,
476 			0x6d0ef8c6, 0xb9c84beb, 0x3e143472, 0xead2875f, 0x435fe105,
477 			0x97995228, 0x4ce71e37, 0x9821ad1a, 0x31accb40, 0xe56a786d,
478 			0x62b607f4, 0xb670b4d9, 0x1ffdd283, 0xcb3b61ae, 0x7dc7f990,
479 			0xa9014abd, 0x008c2ce7, 0xd44a9fca, 0x5396e053, 0x8750537e,
480 			0x2edd3524, 0xfa1b8609, 0x2165ca16, 0xf5a3793b, 0x5c2e1f61,
481 			0x88e8ac4c, 0x0f34d3d5, 0xdbf260f8, 0x727f06a2, 0xa6b9b58f,
482 			0x3f0c6dbc, 0xebcade91, 0x4247b8cb, 0x96810be6, 0x115d747f,
483 			0xc59bc752, 0x6c16a108, 0xb8d01225, 0x63ae5e3a, 0xb768ed17,
484 			0x1ee58b4d, 0xca233860, 0x4dff47f9, 0x9939f4d4, 0x30b4928e,
485 			0xe47221a3, 0x528eb99d, 0x86480ab0, 0x2fc56cea, 0xfb03dfc7,
486 			0x7cdfa05e, 0xa8191373, 0x01947529, 0xd552c604, 0x0e2c8a1b,
487 			0xdaea3936, 0x73675f6c, 0xa7a1ec41, 0x207d93d8, 0xf4bb20f5,
488 			0x5d3646af, 0x89f0f582, 0x30cf76d3, 0xe409c5fe, 0x4d84a3a4,
489 			0x99421089, 0x1e9e6f10, 0xca58dc3d, 0x63d5ba67, 0xb713094a,
490 			0x6c6d4555, 0xb8abf678, 0x11269022, 0xc5e0230f, 0x423c5c96,
491 			0x96faefbb, 0x3f7789e1, 0xebb13acc, 0x5d4da2f2, 0x898b11df,
492 			0x20067785, 0xf4c0c4a8, 0x731cbb31, 0xa7da081c, 0x0e576e46,
493 			0xda91dd6b, 0x01ef9174, 0xd5292259, 0x7ca44403, 0xa862f72e,
494 			0x2fbe88b7, 0xfb783b9a, 0x52f55dc0, 0x8633eeed, 0x208a5b62,
495 			0xf44ce84f, 0x5dc18e15, 0x89073d38, 0x0edb42a1, 0xda1df18c,
496 			0x739097d6, 0xa75624fb, 0x7c2868e4, 0xa8eedbc9, 0x0163bd93,
497 			0xd5a50ebe, 0x52797127, 0x86bfc20a, 0x2f32a450, 0xfbf4177d,
498 			0x4d088f43, 0x99ce3c6e, 0x30435a34, 0xe485e919, 0x63599680,
499 			0xb79f25ad, 0x1e1243f7, 0xcad4f0da, 0x11aabcc5, 0xc56c0fe8,
500 			0x6ce169b2, 0xb827da9f, 0x3ffba506, 0xeb3d162b, 0x42b07071,
501 			0x9676c35c, 0x2f49400d, 0xfb8ff320, 0x5202957a, 0x86c42657,
502 			0x011859ce, 0xd5deeae3, 0x7c538cb9, 0xa8953f94, 0x73eb738b,
503 			0xa72dc0a6, 0x0ea0a6fc, 0xda6615d1, 0x5dba6a48, 0x897cd965,
504 			0x20f1bf3f, 0xf4370c12, 0x42cb942c, 0x960d2701, 0x3f80415b,
505 			0xeb46f276, 0x6c9a8def, 0xb85c3ec2, 0x11d15898, 0xc517ebb5,
506 			0x1e69a7aa, 0xcaaf1487, 0x632272dd, 0xb7e4c1f0, 0x3038be69,
507 			0xe4fe0d44, 0x4d736b1e, 0x99b5d833 };
509 	private static final int[] U = { 0x00000000, 0x12c6e90f, 0x258dd21e,
510 			0x374b3b11, 0x4b1ba43c, 0x59dd4d33, 0x6e967622, 0x7c509f2d,
511 			0x42f1fb55, 0x5037125a, 0x677c294b, 0x75bac044, 0x09ea5f69,
512 			0x1b2cb666, 0x2c678d77, 0x3ea16478, 0x51254587, 0x43e3ac88,
513 			0x74a89799, 0x666e7e96, 0x1a3ee1bb, 0x08f808b4, 0x3fb333a5,
514 			0x2d75daaa, 0x13d4bed2, 0x011257dd, 0x36596ccc, 0x249f85c3,
515 			0x58cf1aee, 0x4a09f3e1, 0x7d42c8f0, 0x6f8421ff, 0x768c3823,
516 			0x644ad12c, 0x5301ea3d, 0x41c70332, 0x3d979c1f, 0x2f517510,
517 			0x181a4e01, 0x0adca70e, 0x347dc376, 0x26bb2a79, 0x11f01168,
518 			0x0336f867, 0x7f66674a, 0x6da08e45, 0x5aebb554, 0x482d5c5b,
519 			0x27a97da4, 0x356f94ab, 0x0224afba, 0x10e246b5, 0x6cb2d998,
520 			0x7e743097, 0x493f0b86, 0x5bf9e289, 0x655886f1, 0x779e6ffe,
521 			0x40d554ef, 0x5213bde0, 0x2e4322cd, 0x3c85cbc2, 0x0bcef0d3,
522 			0x190819dc, 0x39dec36b, 0x2b182a64, 0x1c531175, 0x0e95f87a,
523 			0x72c56757, 0x60038e58, 0x5748b549, 0x458e5c46, 0x7b2f383e,
524 			0x69e9d131, 0x5ea2ea20, 0x4c64032f, 0x30349c02, 0x22f2750d,
525 			0x15b94e1c, 0x077fa713, 0x68fb86ec, 0x7a3d6fe3, 0x4d7654f2,
526 			0x5fb0bdfd, 0x23e022d0, 0x3126cbdf, 0x066df0ce, 0x14ab19c1,
527 			0x2a0a7db9, 0x38cc94b6, 0x0f87afa7, 0x1d4146a8, 0x6111d985,
528 			0x73d7308a, 0x449c0b9b, 0x565ae294, 0x4f52fb48, 0x5d941247,
529 			0x6adf2956, 0x7819c059, 0x04495f74, 0x168fb67b, 0x21c48d6a,
530 			0x33026465, 0x0da3001d, 0x1f65e912, 0x282ed203, 0x3ae83b0c,
531 			0x46b8a421, 0x547e4d2e, 0x6335763f, 0x71f39f30, 0x1e77becf,
532 			0x0cb157c0, 0x3bfa6cd1, 0x293c85de, 0x556c1af3, 0x47aaf3fc,
533 			0x70e1c8ed, 0x622721e2, 0x5c86459a, 0x4e40ac95, 0x790b9784,
534 			0x6bcd7e8b, 0x179de1a6, 0x055b08a9, 0x321033b8, 0x20d6dab7,
535 			0x73bd86d6, 0x617b6fd9, 0x563054c8, 0x44f6bdc7, 0x38a622ea,
536 			0x2a60cbe5, 0x1d2bf0f4, 0x0fed19fb, 0x314c7d83, 0x238a948c,
537 			0x14c1af9d, 0x06074692, 0x7a57d9bf, 0x689130b0, 0x5fda0ba1,
538 			0x4d1ce2ae, 0x2298c351, 0x305e2a5e, 0x0715114f, 0x15d3f840,
539 			0x6983676d, 0x7b458e62, 0x4c0eb573, 0x5ec85c7c, 0x60693804,
540 			0x72afd10b, 0x45e4ea1a, 0x57220315, 0x2b729c38, 0x39b47537,
541 			0x0eff4e26, 0x1c39a729, 0x0531bef5, 0x17f757fa, 0x20bc6ceb,
542 			0x327a85e4, 0x4e2a1ac9, 0x5cecf3c6, 0x6ba7c8d7, 0x796121d8,
543 			0x47c045a0, 0x5506acaf, 0x624d97be, 0x708b7eb1, 0x0cdbe19c,
544 			0x1e1d0893, 0x29563382, 0x3b90da8d, 0x5414fb72, 0x46d2127d,
545 			0x7199296c, 0x635fc063, 0x1f0f5f4e, 0x0dc9b641, 0x3a828d50,
546 			0x2844645f, 0x16e50027, 0x0423e928, 0x3368d239, 0x21ae3b36,
547 			0x5dfea41b, 0x4f384d14, 0x78737605, 0x6ab59f0a, 0x4a6345bd,
548 			0x58a5acb2, 0x6fee97a3, 0x7d287eac, 0x0178e181, 0x13be088e,
549 			0x24f5339f, 0x3633da90, 0x0892bee8, 0x1a5457e7, 0x2d1f6cf6,
550 			0x3fd985f9, 0x43891ad4, 0x514ff3db, 0x6604c8ca, 0x74c221c5,
551 			0x1b46003a, 0x0980e935, 0x3ecbd224, 0x2c0d3b2b, 0x505da406,
552 			0x429b4d09, 0x75d07618, 0x67169f17, 0x59b7fb6f, 0x4b711260,
553 			0x7c3a2971, 0x6efcc07e, 0x12ac5f53, 0x006ab65c, 0x37218d4d,
554 			0x25e76442, 0x3cef7d9e, 0x2e299491, 0x1962af80, 0x0ba4468f,
555 			0x77f4d9a2, 0x653230ad, 0x52790bbc, 0x40bfe2b3, 0x7e1e86cb,
556 			0x6cd86fc4, 0x5b9354d5, 0x4955bdda, 0x350522f7, 0x27c3cbf8,
557 			0x1088f0e9, 0x024e19e6, 0x6dca3819, 0x7f0cd116, 0x4847ea07,
558 			0x5a810308, 0x26d19c25, 0x3417752a, 0x035c4e3b, 0x119aa734,
559 			0x2f3bc34c, 0x3dfd2a43, 0x0ab61152, 0x1870f85d, 0x64206770,
560 			0x76e68e7f, 0x41adb56e, 0x536b5c61 };
561 }