Package org.eclipse.epsilon.emc.spreadsheets
package org.eclipse.epsilon.emc.spreadsheets
ClassDescriptionAny concrete implementation of this interface can be used for collecting spreadsheet ORM metadata.This class provides a concrete implementation for collecting spreadsheet ORM Metadata from XML documents.This class enlists the names of the tags and attributes expected to be used in ORM Metadata specifications.This class represents a column of a worksheet.This class implements a comparator for SpreadsheetColumn objects, which are ordered by their indices in ascending order.This class holds various spreadsheet driver-wide constants.This ENUM enlists the various data types supported, namely String, Integer, Double, Float and Boolean.This class enables spreadsheets to be viewed as models in Epsilon.This class allows querying spreadsheet rows.This class allows setting values of spreadsheet row cells.This class represents a reference between two worksheets and two columns.This class represents a row of a worksheet.This class provides support methods.This class represents a worksheet.This class represents a worksheet header and consists of a number of ordered columns.