Deprecated Classes
Deprecated FieldsFieldDescription
are now interpreted as comma-separated lists of 0+ metamodel locations, and it is allowed to mix both types of metamodels now. This property is no longer used.Replaced byEmfModel.PROPERTY_FILE_BASED_METAMODEL_URI
. This property will be removed in a future release of Epsilon.Replaced byEmfModel.PROPERTY_MODEL_URI
. This property will be removed in a future release of Epsilon.Replaced byXmlModel.PROPERTY_XSD_URI
Deprecated MethodsMethodDescriptionUse setContributingPlugin() instead for lazy image initialisationWe don't care about file extensions any moreUse
Use generate(path) instead, or generate(path, false, false), if you really know what you are doing :-)Use generate(path) instead, or generate(path, overwrite, false), if you really know what you are doing :-)UseAbstractEmfModel.getResource()
insteadThis value is no longer used to load models: it is only kept for backwards compatibility, and it now simply indicates whether a file metamodel was loaded at all, or not.This value is no longer honored anymore. Please populate the lists inEmfModel.getMetamodelUris()
(URI-based metamodels) andEmfModel.getMetamodelFileUris()
(file-based metamodels) appropriately instead.Use one of the other execute methods insteadUse one of the other execute methods insteadAdd methods to the cache in the constructor insteadExternal clients should use print(Object object) insteadUseTransformationTrace.getTransformationTargets(Object, TransformationRule)
instead, for better performance.
Deprecated ConstructorsConstructorDescriptionuse DefaultDamagerRepairer(ITokenScanner) insteadFrom 2.5.0, switch to
EglTemplateSpecification(String, Formatter, IncrementalitySettings, IImportManager, Collection)
for reuse of imported modules across templates.