Comparator differences from current build /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/I-build-4.24/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/cje-production/siteDir/eclipse/downloads/drops4/I20220607-0700 compared to reference repo at 1. eclipse.platform.releng/bundles/org.eclipse.test.performance classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 2. eclipse.jdt.core/org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.compiler classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 3. eclipse.jdt.core/org.eclipse.jdt.compiler.tool.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 4. eclipse.jdt.core/org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.builder classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 5. eclipse.jdt.core/org.eclipse.jdt.compiler.apt.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 6. eclipse.jdt.core/org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.model no-classifier: different classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 7. eclipse.jdt.core/org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.performance classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 8. eclipse.jdt.core/org.eclipse.jdt.apt.pluggable.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 9. eclipse.jdt.core/org.eclipse.jdt.apt.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 10. eclipse.jdt.debug/org.eclipse.jdt.debug.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 11. eclipse.platform.text/org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 12. eclipse.platform.text/org.eclipse.text.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 13. eclipse.platform.text/org.eclipse.jface.text.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 14. eclipse.jdt.ui/org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 15. eclipse.jdt.ui/org.eclipse.jdt.text.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 16. eclipse.jdt.ui/org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 17. eclipse.jdt.ui/org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 18. eclipse.jdt.ui/org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.refactoring classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 19. eclipse.pde/ui/org.eclipse.pde.ui.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 20. eclipse.pde/apitools/ classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 21. eclipse.pde/ds/org.eclipse.pde.ds.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 22. eclipse.platform.resources/bundles/org.eclipse.core.filesystem.linux.x86_64 classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 23. eclipse.platform.resources/bundles/org.eclipse.core.filesystem.linux.ppc64le classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 24. eclipse.platform.resources/bundles/org.eclipse.core.filesystem.win32.x86_64 classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 25. eclipse.platform.resources/bundles/org.eclipse.core.filesystem.macosx classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 26. eclipse.pde/ua/ classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 27. eclipse.pde/ui/org.eclipse.pde.junit.runtime.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 28. eclipse.pde/ui/org.eclipse.pde.ui.templates.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 29. eclipse.pde/ui/org.eclipse.pde.genericeditor.extension.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 30. eclipse.pde/build/ classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 31. eclipse.platform/ant/org.eclipse.ant.tests.core classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 32. eclipse.platform/ant/org.eclipse.ant.tests.ui classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 33. eclipse.platform.ui/tests/org.eclipse.ui.tests.harness classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 34. eclipse.platform.ui/tests/org.eclipse.jface.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 35. eclipse.platform.ui/tests/org.eclipse.jface.tests.databinding.conformance classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 36. eclipse.platform.ui/tests/org.eclipse.jface.tests.databinding classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 37. eclipse.platform.runtime/tests/org.eclipse.core.tests.harness classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 38. eclipse.platform.ui/tests/org.eclipse.ui.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 39. eclipse.platform.ui/tests/org.eclipse.ui.tests.forms classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 40. eclipse.platform.ui/tests/org.eclipse.ui.tests.navigator classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 41. eclipse.platform.ui/tests/org.eclipse.ui.tests.pluginchecks classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 42. eclipse.platform.ui/tests/org.eclipse.ui.tests.performance classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 43. eclipse.platform.ui/tests/org.eclipse.ui.tests.rcp classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 44. eclipse.platform.ui/tests/ classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 45. eclipse.platform.ui/tests/org.eclipse.e4.ui.bindings.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 46. eclipse.platform.ui/tests/org.eclipse.e4.core.commands.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 47. eclipse.platform.ui/tests/org.eclipse.e4.ui.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 48. eclipse.platform.ui/tests/org.eclipse.e4.ui.tests.css.core classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 49. eclipse.platform.ui/tests/org.eclipse.e4.ui.tests.css.swt classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 50. eclipse.platform.ui/tests/org.eclipse.tests.urischeme classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 51. eclipse.platform.debug/org.eclipse.debug.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 52. eclipse.platform.resources/tests/org.eclipse.core.tests.resources classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 53. eclipse.platform.runtime/tests/org.eclipse.core.expressions.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 54. eclipse.platform.runtime/tests/org.eclipse.core.tests.runtime classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 55. eclipse.platform.runtime/tests/org.eclipse.e4.core.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 56. eclipse.platform.swt/tests/org.eclipse.swt.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 57. classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 58. classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 59. classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 60. classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 61. eclipse.platform.text/ classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 62. eclipse.platform.text/org.eclipse.ui.editors.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 63. eclipse.platform.text/org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 64. eclipse.platform.text/org.eclipse.ui.genericeditor.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 65. eclipse.platform.text/org.eclipse.text.quicksearch.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 66. classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 67. classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 68. rt.equinox.bundles/bundles/org.eclipse.equinox.ds.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 69. rt.equinox.bundles/bundles/ classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 70. rt.equinox.bundles/bundles/org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 71. rt.equinox.framework/bundles/org.eclipse.osgi.tests no-classifier: different classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 72. rt.equinox.p2/bundles/org.eclipse.equinox.frameworkadmin.test classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 73. rt.equinox.p2/bundles/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.tests.verifier classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 74. rt.equinox.p2/bundles/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.tests no-classifier: different classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 75. rt.equinox.p2/bundles/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.tests no-classifier: different The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. 76. rt.equinox.p2/bundles/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.tests.discovery classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 77. rt.equinox.p2/bundles/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.tests.ui classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 78. eclipse.platform.releng/bundles/org.eclipse.ant.optional.junit classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources] 79. eclipse.platform.releng/bundles/org.eclipse.releng.tests classifier-sources: not present in baseline The main artifact has been replaced with the baseline version. The following attached artifacts are not present in the baseline and have been removed: [sources]