Version qualifer patterns used in repository Repository ('repoURLToTest'): file:///jobs/genie.orbit/orbit-recipes/workspace/releng/repository-report/target/../../repository-all/target/repository (Exploratory report ... maybe eventually used to find typos, such as 'qualfer') Number of nonOSGi compatible versions: 0 Number with more than 4 segments: 0 Number wtih less than 4 segments: 0 Count of (sorted) patterns matching up to 5 characters. 2 equals 0022_v20110412-1025 3 startsWith 1 2 equals 2_v201605172130 1 equals 4_v201201052148 4 startsWith GA_v2 1 equals RC2_v20080604-1500 1 equals RC5_v20080820-1500 8 startsWith beta- 2 equals draft20060413_v201105210656 7 startsWith v2008 29 startsWith v2009 53 startsWith v2010 73 startsWith v2011 83 startsWith v2012 76 startsWith v2013 58 startsWith v2014 46 startsWith v2015 118 startsWith v2016 56 startsWith v2017 233 startsWith v2018