Interface IEndpointDescriptionReader

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IEndpointDescriptionReader
Service for reading endpoint descriptions from xml-files in the Endpoint Description Extender Format (EDEF) specified in section 122.8 of the OSGi Enterprise Specification (chapter 122). The InputStream provided must be of the EDEF format, otherwise an IOException or EndpointDescriptionParseException will be thrown.
This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.
  • Method Details

    • readEndpointDescriptions

      Read endpoint descriptions from the given input stream. The ins parameter must not be null, and must provide data in the Endpoint Description Extender Format (EDEF) specified in section 122.8 of the OSGi Enterprise Specification.
      ins - the input stream to read from. Must be non-null, and must provide data in the format specified the EDEF specification (see link above).
      array of EndpointDescription instance read from the given input stream.
      IOException - if the inputstream does not have valid data in the EDE format. Note that the implementation of this method may call InputStream.close().
      EndpointDescriptionParseException - if the EDE format cannot be parsed from the input stream.
    • readEndpointDescriptions

      EndpointDescription[] readEndpointDescriptions(InputStream ins, Map<String,Object> overrideProperties) throws IOException
      Read endpoint descriptions from the given input stream. The ins parameter must not be null, and must provide data in the Endpoint Description Extender Format (EDEF) specified in section 122.8 of the OSGi Enterprise Specification.
      ins - the input stream to read from. Must be non-null, and must provide data in the format specified the EDEF specification (see link above).
      overrideProperties - map of property name/values that will override the same-named values from the edef. If null then no overriding will be done.
      array of EndpointDescription instance read from the given input stream.
      IOException - if the inputstream does not have valid data in the EDE format. Note that the implementation of this method may call InputStream.close().
      EndpointDescriptionParseException - if the EDE format cannot be parsed from the input stream.