Interface IContainerInstantiator

All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseContainer.Instantiator, BaseContainerInstantiator, BaseRemoteServiceContainerInstantiator, ContainerInstantiator, ContainerInstantiator, GenericContainerInstantiator, PeerRemoteServiceContainerInstantiator, RemoteServiceContainerInstantiator, RestClientContainerInstantiator, ServletServerContainerInstantiator, SSLGenericContainerInstantiator

public interface IContainerInstantiator
Interface that must be implemented by ECF provider implementations.
  • Method Details

    • createInstance

      IContainer createInstance(ContainerTypeDescription description, Object[] parameters) throws ContainerCreateException
      Create instance of IContainer. This is the interface that container provider implementations must implement for the containerFactory extension point. The caller may optionally specify both argument types and arguments that will be passed into this method (and therefore to the provider implementation implementing this method). For example:

      ContainerFactory.getDefault().createContainer("foocontainer",new Object { "hello" });

      description - the ContainerTypeDescription associated with the registered container provider implementation
      parameters - parameters specified by the caller. May be null if no parameters are passed in by caller to ContainerFactory.getDefault().createContainer(...)
      IContainer instance. The provider implementation must return a valid object implementing IContainer OR throw a ContainerCreateException. Null will not be returned.
      ContainerCreateException - thrown if instance cannot be created
    • getSupportedAdapterTypes

      String[] getSupportedAdapterTypes(ContainerTypeDescription description)
      Get array of supported adapters for the given container type description. Providers implement this method to allow clients to inspect the adapter types exposed by the container described by the given description. The returned array entries will be the fully qualified names of the adapter classes. Note that the returned types do not guarantee that a subsequent call to IContainer.getAdapter(Class) with the same type name as a returned value will return a non-null result. In other words, even if the class name is in the returned array, subsequent calls to IContainer.getAdapter(Class) may still return null.
      description - the ContainerTypeDescription to report adapters for. Must not be null.
      String[] of supported adapters. The entries in the returned array will be the fully qualified class names of adapters supported by the given description. null may be returned by the provider if no adapters are supported for this description.
    • getSupportedParameterTypes

      Class[][] getSupportedParameterTypes(ContainerTypeDescription description)
      Get array of parameter types for given container type description. Providers implement this method to allow clients to inspect the available set of parameter types understood for calls to createInstance(ContainerTypeDescription, Object[]).

      Each of the rows of the returned array specifies a Class[] of parameter types. These parameter types correspond to the types of Object[] that can be passed into the second parameter of createInstance(ContainerTypeDescription, Object[]).

      Consider the following example:

       public Class[][] getSupportedParameterTypes() {
              return new Class[][] { { String.class }, { String.class, String.class } };
      The above means that there are two acceptable values for the Object [] passed into createInstance(ContainerTypeDescription, Object[]): 1) a single String, and 2) two Strings. These would therefore be acceptable as input to createInstance:
       IContainer container = ContainerFactory.getDefault().createContainer(
                      description, new Object[] { "Hello" });
       IContainer container2 = ContainerFactory.getDefault().createContainer(
                      description, new Object[] { "Hello" });

      description - the ContainerTypeDescription to return parameter types for
      Class[][] array of Class[]s. Each row in the table corresponds to a Class[] that describes the types of Objects in Object[] for second parameter to createInstance(ContainerTypeDescription, Object[]). null returned if no parameter types supported for given description.
    • getSupportedIntents

      String[] getSupportedIntents(ContainerTypeDescription description)