Package org.eclipse.ocl.examples.emf.validation.validity

Interface Summary
AbstractNode A representation of the model object 'AbstractNode'.
ConstrainingNode A representation of the model object 'ConstrainingNode'.
LeafConstrainingNode A representation of the model object 'Leaf ConstrainingNode'.
Result A representation of the model object 'Result'.
ResultConstrainingNode A representation of the model object 'Result ConstrainingNode'.
ResultSet A representation of the model object 'Result Set'.
ResultValidatableNode A representation of the model object 'Result ValidatableNode'.
RootConstrainingNode A representation of the model object 'Root ConstrainingNode'.
RootNode A representation of the model object 'Root'.
RootValidatableNode A representation of the model object 'Root ValidatableNode'.
ValidatableNode A representation of the model object 'ValidatableNode'.
ValidityFactory The Factory for the model.
ValidityPackage The Package for the model.
ValidityPackage.Literals Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each operation of each class, each enum, and each data type

Enum Summary
Severity A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Severity', and utility methods for working with them.