Package org.eclipse.ocl.examples.emf.validation.validity.impl

Class Summary
AbstractNodeImpl An implementation of the model object 'AbstractNode'.
ConstrainingNodeImpl An implementation of the model object 'ConstrainingNode'.
LeafConstrainingNodeImpl An implementation of the model object 'Leaf ConstrainingNode'.
ResultConstrainingNodeImpl An implementation of the model object 'Result ConstrainingNode'.
ResultImpl An implementation of the model object 'Result'.
ResultSetImpl An implementation of the model object 'Result Set'.
ResultValidatableNodeImpl An implementation of the model object 'Result ValidatableNode'.
RootConstrainingNodeImpl An implementation of the model object 'Root ConstrainingNode'.
RootNodeImpl An implementation of the model object 'Root'.
RootValidatableNodeImpl An implementation of the model object 'Root ValidatableNode'.
ValidatableNodeImpl An implementation of the model object 'ValidatableNode'.
ValidityFactoryImpl An implementation of the model Factory.
ValidityPackageImpl An implementation of the model Package.