Package org.eclipse.emf.databinding.internal

Class Summary
DelegatingSet<E> Set which is backed by an List
EMFListProperty PROVISIONAL: This API is subject to arbitrary change, including renaming or removal.
EMFListPropertyDecorator PROVISIONAL: This API is subject to arbitrary change, including renaming or removal.
EMFMapProperty PROVISIONAL: This API is subject to arbitrary change, including renaming or removal.
EMFMapPropertyDecorator PROVISIONAL: This API is subject to arbitrary change, including renaming or removal.
EMFMultiListProperty PROVISIONAL: This API is subject to arbitrary change, including renaming or removal.
EMFObservableListDecorator IEMFObservable decorator for an IObservableList.
EMFObservableMapDecorator IEMFObservable decorator for an IObservableMap.
EMFObservableSetDecorator IEMFObservable decorator for an IObservableList.
EMFObservableValueDecorator IEMFObservable decorator for an IObservableValue.
EMFPropertyHelper PROVISIONAL: This API is subject to arbitrary change, including renaming or removal.
EMFPropertyListener PROVISIONAL: This API is subject to arbitrary change, including renaming or removal.
EMFSetProperty PROVISIONAL: This API is subject to arbitrary change, including renaming or removal.
EMFSetPropertyDecorator PROVISIONAL: This API is subject to arbitrary change, including renaming or removal.
EMFValueProperty PROVISIONAL: This API is subject to arbitrary change, including renaming or removal.
EMFValuePropertyDecorator PROVISIONAL: This API is subject to arbitrary change, including renaming or removal.
EWritableList<Type> Writable list which can be used to observe an NotifyingList PROVISIONAL: This API is subject to arbitrary change, including renaming or removal.
Util PROVISIONAL: This API is subject to arbitrary change, including renaming or removal.

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