JWT Security

To leverage JWT security features, an X509 Certificate with the related private key must be loaded in Kapua.

Use random generated certificate and private key

By default Kapua will look for keys in the path specified by certificate.jwt.private.key and certificate.jwt.certificate system properties at startup (see below). Such properties MUST be set, otherwise an error will be thrown.

In both the Vagrant develop machine and the Docker deployment, a certificate and its private key are dynamically generated in the Vagrant box / Docker image build. They are then automatically loaded at startup by the environment.

Use a custom certificate

If you want to use a custom certificate you can generate it, along with its private key, with OpenSSL. In order to create those files you can use the following commands:

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout <path_to_key> -out <path_to_certificate> -days 365 -nodes -subj '/O=Eclipse Kapua/C=XX'
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -in <path_to_key> -out <path_to_pkcs8_key>
rm <path_to_key>

When converting the private key in PKCS8 format you can avoid password encryption by adding the -nocrypt switch to the openssl pkcs8 command above.

Both the certificate and the private key must be in PKCS8 format. If the private key is password encrypted, you can specify it with the certificate.jwt.private.key.password system property.

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