Class IndexSegmentStructuralChangeTester_Test

    • Constructor Detail

      • IndexSegmentStructuralChangeTester_Test

        public IndexSegmentStructuralChangeTester_Test()
    • Method Detail

      • setUp

        public void setUp()
                   throws java.lang.Exception
        Sets up a new index segment structural change tester for every test case.
      • testIsStructureChangedRemoveOnLowerIndexRelevant

        public void testIsStructureChangedRemoveOnLowerIndexRelevant()
                                                              throws DatabindingFailedException
        Tests that a change is indicated if a list element with lower index (e.g. 0) than the index of the segment (e.g. 1) is removed. This should trigger a change because remaining elements are moving up the list when an element with a lower index is removed. This is only true if there was an element at the index's position before the old element's removal.
      • testIsStructureChangedRemoveOnLowerIndexIrrelevant

        public void testIsStructureChangedRemoveOnLowerIndexIrrelevant()
                                                                throws DatabindingFailedException
        Tests that a change is indicated if a list element with lower index (e.g. 0) than the index of the segment (e.g. 1) is removed. This should trigger a change because remaining elements are moving up the list when an element with a lower index is removed. This is only true if there was an element at the index's position before the old element's removal.
      • testIsStructureChangedAddOnLowerIndexRelevant

        public void testIsStructureChangedAddOnLowerIndexRelevant()
                                                           throws DatabindingFailedException
        Tests that a change is indicated if a list element with lower index (e.g. 0) than the index of the segment (e.g. 1) is added. This should trigger a change because the old elements are moving down the list when an element with a lower index is added. This is only true, if the list is (now) big enough that there (now) is an element at the index's position.
      • testIsStructureChangedAddOnLowerIndexIrrelevant

        public void testIsStructureChangedAddOnLowerIndexIrrelevant()
                                                             throws DatabindingFailedException
        Tests that a change is indicated if a list element with lower index (e.g. 0) than the index of the segment (e.g. 1) is added. This should trigger a change because the old elements are moving down the list when an element with a lower index is added. This is only true, if the list is (now) big enough that there (now) is an element at the index's position.
      • testIsApplicable

        public void testIsApplicable()
      • testIsApplicableNullSegment

        public void testIsApplicableNullSegment()
      • testIsApplicableWrongSegmentType

        public void testIsApplicableWrongSegmentType()