Interface ReferenceTypeResolver

  • Functional Interface:
    This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

    public interface ReferenceTypeResolver
    Used to resolve the root EClass for the next path segment from an EReference for a certain type of DMR segment.

    Example: The reference type of a map referenced by a mapping segment is Map$Entry<EClass, ? extends EObject>. However, the root EClass for the next path segment must be the second type parameter of Map$Entry.

    Lucas Koehler
    • Method Detail

      • resolveNextEClass

        org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass resolveNextEClass​(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference reference,
                                                       VDomainModelReferenceSegment segment)
        Resolves the root EClass for the next reference path segment. Returns null if no valid type can be resolved.
        reference - The EReference to resolve the EClass from
        segment - The segment that contains the EReference. For some segment types (e.g. mapping segments) this allows to return a more precise EClass. May be null.
        the resolved EClass or null if no valid type can be resolved