Class TableRevealProvider

    • Constructor Detail

      • TableRevealProvider

        public TableRevealProvider()
    • Method Detail

      • canReveal

        public java.lang.Double canReveal​(VTableControl tableControl,
                                          org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject object,
                                          ViewModelContext context)
        I bid on the element if it is a VTableControl that has a row representing the object to be revealed.
        tableControl - the table control to bid on
        object - the object to be revealed
        context - the context in which the table is rendered
        my bid
      • reveal

        public RevealStep reveal​(ViewModelContext context,
                                 RevealHelper helper,
                                 VTableControl tableControl,
                                 org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject object)
        Create a terminal reveal step to drill down into a table control.
        context - the view model context in which to find a renderer for the table
        helper - a helper for deferred revealing
        tableControl - the table in which to drill down
        object - the object to reveal
        the drill-down reveal step