Interface SchemaWrapper

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface SchemaWrapper
    A wrapper for the pure generated schemas.
    Stefan Dirix
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String getFileExtension()
      Depicts a proposal for an file extension for the wrapped content.
      java.lang.String getName()
      Depicts a proposal for the name of the wrapped content.
      java.lang.String wrap​(java.lang.String toWrap, java.lang.String type)
      Wraps the given string depending on the given type.
    • Method Detail

      • wrap

        java.lang.String wrap​(java.lang.String toWrap,
                              java.lang.String type)
        Wraps the given string depending on the given type.
        toWrap - The content which shall be wrapped.
        type - The type which depicts how the wrap should look like.
        The wrapped toWrap.
      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()
        Depicts a proposal for the name of the wrapped content.
        A name for the wrapped content.
      • getFileExtension

        java.lang.String getFileExtension()
        Depicts a proposal for an file extension for the wrapped content.
        A file extension for the wrapped content.