[INFO] SCRIPT_PATH defined as /home/hudson/genie.releng/.hudson/jobs/M-build/workspace/utilities/production [DEBUG] RAWDATE in update-build-input.sh was already set. RAWDATE: 1504731600 [INFO] SCRIPT_PATH defined as /home/hudson/genie.releng/.hudson/jobs/M-build/workspace/utilities/production REPO_AND_ACCESS: file:///gitroot BUILD_ROOT: /shared/eclipse/builds/4M AGGREGATOR_REPO: file:///gitroot/platform/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator.git BUILD_TYPE: M STREAM: 4.7.1 gitCache was already defined as /shared/eclipse/builds/4M/gitCache aggDir was already defined as /shared/eclipse/builds/4M/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator BUILD_ID was already defined as M20170906-1700 buildDirectory was already defined as /shared/eclipse/builds/4M/siteDir/eclipse/downloads/drops4/M20170906-1700 [INFO] Using repositories file: /home/hudson/genie.releng/.hudson/jobs/M-build/workspace/utilities/production/streams/repositories_R4_7_maintenance.txt /shared/eclipse/builds/4M/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator /shared/eclipse/builds/4M Entering 'eclipse.jdt' Updating branch R4_7_maintenance Previous HEAD position was db82b3c... Bug 518239: [JUnit 5] Feature patch for JUnit 5 support on 4.7 - comment 18 Switched to branch 'R4_7_maintenance' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/R4_7_maintenance'. Current branch R4_7_maintenance is up to date. Entering 'eclipse.jdt.core' Updating branch R4_7_maintenance Previous HEAD position was e76cebe... Fix for Bug 521240: Search ignores the qualifier of the parameter type Switched to branch 'R4_7_maintenance' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/R4_7_maintenance'. Current branch R4_7_maintenance is up to date. Entering 'eclipse.jdt.core.binaries' From file:///gitroot/jdt/eclipse.jdt.core.binaries * [new tag] I20170901-2000 -> I20170901-2000 * [new tag] I20170902-1500 -> I20170902-1500 * [new tag] I20170903-2000 -> I20170903-2000 * [new tag] I20170904-0230 -> I20170904-0230 * [new tag] I20170904-2000 -> I20170904-2000 * [new tag] I20170905-0310 -> I20170905-0310 * [new tag] I20170905-0600 -> I20170905-0600 * [new tag] I20170905-2000 -> I20170905-2000 * [new tag] I20170906-0225 -> I20170906-0225 * [new tag] I20170906-0815 -> I20170906-0815 * [new tag] U20170905-1030 -> U20170905-1030 Updating branch R4_7_maintenance Already on 'R4_7_maintenance' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/R4_7_maintenance'. Current branch R4_7_maintenance is up to date. Entering 'eclipse.jdt.debug' Updating branch R4_7_maintenance Already on 'R4_7_maintenance' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/R4_7_maintenance'. Current branch R4_7_maintenance is up to date. Entering 'eclipse.jdt.ui' Updating branch R4_7_maintenance Previous HEAD position was b4c6b0d... Bug 521246: [JUnit 5] Add provision to use @Tag filtering Switched to branch 'R4_7_maintenance' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/R4_7_maintenance'. Current branch R4_7_maintenance is up to date. Entering 'eclipse.pde.build' From file:///gitroot/pde/eclipse.pde.build * [new tag] I20170901-2000 -> I20170901-2000 * [new tag] I20170902-1500 -> I20170902-1500 * [new tag] I20170903-2000 -> I20170903-2000 * [new tag] I20170904-0230 -> I20170904-0230 * [new tag] I20170904-2000 -> I20170904-2000 * [new tag] I20170905-0310 -> I20170905-0310 * [new tag] I20170905-0600 -> I20170905-0600 * [new tag] I20170905-2000 -> I20170905-2000 * [new tag] I20170906-0225 -> I20170906-0225 * [new tag] I20170906-0815 -> I20170906-0815 * [new tag] U20170905-1030 -> U20170905-1030 Updating branch R4_7_maintenance Already on 'R4_7_maintenance' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/R4_7_maintenance'. Current branch R4_7_maintenance is up to date. Entering 'eclipse.pde.ui' Updating branch R4_7_maintenance Previous HEAD position was b656706... Bug 518163: [JUnit 5] Add support for launching JUnit 5 plug-in tests Switched to branch 'R4_7_maintenance' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/R4_7_maintenance'. Current branch R4_7_maintenance is up to date. Entering 'eclipse.platform' Updating branch R4_7_maintenance Already on 'R4_7_maintenance' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/R4_7_maintenance'. Current branch R4_7_maintenance is up to date. Entering 'eclipse.platform.common' Updating branch R4_7_maintenance Already on 'R4_7_maintenance' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/R4_7_maintenance'. Current branch R4_7_maintenance is up to date. Entering 'eclipse.platform.debug' Updating branch R4_7_maintenance Already on 'R4_7_maintenance' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/R4_7_maintenance'. Current branch R4_7_maintenance is up to date. Entering 'eclipse.platform.releng' From file:///gitroot/platform/eclipse.platform.releng * [new tag] I20170901-2000 -> I20170901-2000 * [new tag] I20170902-1500 -> I20170902-1500 * [new tag] I20170903-2000 -> I20170903-2000 * [new tag] I20170904-0230 -> I20170904-0230 * [new tag] I20170904-2000 -> I20170904-2000 * [new tag] I20170905-0310 -> I20170905-0310 * [new tag] I20170905-0600 -> I20170905-0600 * [new tag] I20170905-2000 -> I20170905-2000 * [new tag] I20170906-0225 -> I20170906-0225 * [new tag] I20170906-0815 -> I20170906-0815 * [new tag] U20170905-1030 -> U20170905-1030 Updating branch R4_7_maintenance Already on 'R4_7_maintenance' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/R4_7_maintenance'. Current branch R4_7_maintenance is up to date. Entering 'eclipse.platform.resources' From file:///gitroot/platform/eclipse.platform.resources * [new tag] I20170901-2000 -> I20170901-2000 * [new tag] I20170902-1500 -> I20170902-1500 * [new tag] I20170903-2000 -> I20170903-2000 * [new tag] I20170904-0230 -> I20170904-0230 * [new tag] I20170904-2000 -> I20170904-2000 * [new tag] I20170905-0310 -> I20170905-0310 * [new tag] I20170905-0600 -> I20170905-0600 * [new tag] I20170905-2000 -> I20170905-2000 * [new tag] I20170906-0225 -> I20170906-0225 * [new tag] I20170906-0815 -> I20170906-0815 * [new tag] U20170905-1030 -> U20170905-1030 Updating branch R4_7_maintenance Already on 'R4_7_maintenance' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/R4_7_maintenance'. Current branch R4_7_maintenance is up to date. Entering 'eclipse.platform.runtime' Updating branch R4_7_maintenance Already on 'R4_7_maintenance' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/R4_7_maintenance'. Current branch R4_7_maintenance is up to date. Entering 'eclipse.platform.swt' Updating branch R4_7_maintenance Already on 'R4_7_maintenance' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/R4_7_maintenance'. Current branch R4_7_maintenance is up to date. Entering 'eclipse.platform.swt.binaries' Updating branch R4_7_maintenance Already on 'R4_7_maintenance' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/R4_7_maintenance'. Current branch R4_7_maintenance is up to date. Entering 'eclipse.platform.team' From file:///gitroot/platform/eclipse.platform.team * [new tag] I20170901-2000 -> I20170901-2000 * [new tag] I20170902-1500 -> I20170902-1500 * [new tag] I20170903-2000 -> I20170903-2000 * [new tag] I20170904-0230 -> I20170904-0230 * [new tag] I20170904-2000 -> I20170904-2000 * [new tag] I20170905-0310 -> I20170905-0310 * [new tag] I20170905-0600 -> I20170905-0600 * [new tag] I20170905-2000 -> I20170905-2000 * [new tag] I20170906-0225 -> I20170906-0225 * [new tag] I20170906-0815 -> I20170906-0815 * [new tag] U20170905-1030 -> U20170905-1030 Updating branch R4_7_maintenance Already on 'R4_7_maintenance' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/R4_7_maintenance'. Current branch R4_7_maintenance is up to date. Entering 'eclipse.platform.text' Updating branch R4_7_maintenance Already on 'R4_7_maintenance' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/R4_7_maintenance'. Current branch R4_7_maintenance is up to date. Entering 'eclipse.platform.ua' From file:///gitroot/platform/eclipse.platform.ua * [new tag] I20170901-2000 -> I20170901-2000 * [new tag] I20170902-1500 -> I20170902-1500 * [new tag] I20170903-2000 -> I20170903-2000 * [new tag] I20170904-0230 -> I20170904-0230 * [new tag] I20170904-2000 -> I20170904-2000 * [new tag] I20170905-0310 -> I20170905-0310 * [new tag] I20170905-0600 -> I20170905-0600 * [new tag] I20170905-2000 -> I20170905-2000 * [new tag] I20170906-0225 -> I20170906-0225 * [new tag] I20170906-0815 -> I20170906-0815 * [new tag] U20170905-1030 -> U20170905-1030 Updating branch R4_7_maintenance Already on 'R4_7_maintenance' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/R4_7_maintenance'. Current branch R4_7_maintenance is up to date. Entering 'eclipse.platform.ui' Updating branch R4_7_maintenance Already on 'R4_7_maintenance' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/R4_7_maintenance'. Current branch R4_7_maintenance is up to date. Entering 'eclipse.platform.ui.tools' From file:///gitroot/platform/eclipse.platform.ui.tools * [new tag] I20170901-2000 -> I20170901-2000 * [new tag] I20170902-1500 -> I20170902-1500 * [new tag] I20170903-2000 -> I20170903-2000 * [new tag] I20170904-0230 -> I20170904-0230 * [new tag] I20170904-2000 -> I20170904-2000 * [new tag] I20170905-0310 -> I20170905-0310 * [new tag] I20170905-0600 -> I20170905-0600 * [new tag] I20170905-2000 -> I20170905-2000 * [new tag] I20170906-0225 -> I20170906-0225 * [new tag] I20170906-0815 -> I20170906-0815 * [new tag] U20170905-1030 -> U20170905-1030 Updating branch R4_7_maintenance Already on 'R4_7_maintenance' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/R4_7_maintenance'. Current branch R4_7_maintenance is up to date. Entering 'rt.equinox.binaries' From file:///gitroot/equinox/rt.equinox.binaries * [new tag] I20170901-2000 -> I20170901-2000 * [new tag] I20170902-1500 -> I20170902-1500 * [new tag] I20170903-2000 -> I20170903-2000 * [new tag] I20170904-0230 -> I20170904-0230 * [new tag] I20170904-2000 -> I20170904-2000 * [new tag] I20170905-0310 -> I20170905-0310 * [new tag] I20170905-0600 -> I20170905-0600 * [new tag] I20170905-2000 -> I20170905-2000 * [new tag] I20170906-0225 -> I20170906-0225 * [new tag] I20170906-0815 -> I20170906-0815 * [new tag] U20170905-1030 -> U20170905-1030 Updating branch R4_7_maintenance Already on 'R4_7_maintenance' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/R4_7_maintenance'. Current branch R4_7_maintenance is up to date. Entering 'rt.equinox.bundles' Updating branch R4_7_maintenance Already on 'R4_7_maintenance' Your branch is behind 'origin/R4_7_maintenance' by 1 commit, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it... Fast-forwarded R4_7_maintenance to a0436503840f7a89d5bb4fefbd7c31fdedde1c25. Entering 'rt.equinox.framework' From file:///gitroot/equinox/rt.equinox.framework * [new tag] I20170901-2000 -> I20170901-2000 * [new tag] I20170902-1500 -> I20170902-1500 * [new tag] I20170903-2000 -> I20170903-2000 * [new tag] I20170904-0230 -> I20170904-0230 * [new tag] I20170904-2000 -> I20170904-2000 * [new tag] I20170905-0310 -> I20170905-0310 * [new tag] I20170905-0600 -> I20170905-0600 * [new tag] I20170905-2000 -> I20170905-2000 * [new tag] I20170906-0225 -> I20170906-0225 * [new tag] I20170906-0815 -> I20170906-0815 * [new tag] U20170905-1030 -> U20170905-1030 Updating branch R4_7_maintenance Already on 'R4_7_maintenance' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/R4_7_maintenance'. Current branch R4_7_maintenance is up to date. Entering 'rt.equinox.p2' Updating branch R4_7_maintenance Already on 'R4_7_maintenance' Your branch is behind 'origin/R4_7_maintenance' by 1 commit, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it... Fast-forwarded R4_7_maintenance to f94c9ac9bd27522cf55784111380d5f4aebc4bab. /shared/eclipse/builds/4M /shared/eclipse/builds/4M/gitCache/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator /shared/eclipse/builds/4M git add eclipse.jdt eclipse.jdt.core eclipse.jdt.ui eclipse.pde.ui rt.equinox.bundles rt.equinox.p2 /shared/eclipse/builds/4M