Platform API

Custom splash screens

API is now in place to provide custom splash screens using SWT. You can use the new org.eclipse.osgi.service.runnable.StartupMonitor API to update the splash screen as the platform is being started.

Custom splash screens

IDE application moved to new plug-in

The portion of the org.eclipse.ui.ide plug-in that defines the application has been moved into a new plug-in: org.eclipse.ui.ide.application. This allows people writing their own RCP application to use existing views or APIs defined by org.eclipse.ui.ide without having a dependency on the application.

Advanced tooltips

JFace now supports tooltips that supply a Composite for more complex tooltips. See org.eclipse.jface.window.Tooltip.

Tool tip


Widget-independent tree and table viewers

A new abstract class AbstractTableViewer has been introduced, making it possible to create subclasses that work on table widgets other than SWT's Table. More methods on AbstractTreeViewer have been made accessible to subclasses for the same reason.

Per-column label providers, improved editing support

AbstractTableViewer and AbstractTreeViewer now inherit from a new base class ColumnViewer. A new abstraction for columns in viewers has been introduced, making it possible to use a separate label provider for each column. After creating a viewer, create appropriate viewer column objects (TableViewerColumn or TreeViewerColumn) and call setLabelProvider on the column object rather than the viewer itself. The new column abstraction also makes it easier to set up an editable table or tree - see ViewerColumn.setEditingSupport(), and to add keyboard navigation to editable tables or trees - see TableViewerEditor.create() and TreeViewerEditor.create(). Code examples can be found on the JFace snippets page.

Custom tooltips for tree and table cells

TreeViewer and TableViewer now support custom tooltips on a per cell basis. See org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CellLabelProvider.

Tool tip on cell of table

Data binding

Data binding supports automatic synchronization between UI state and model state and drastically reduces the amount of listener code required to implement common UIs. The data binding API was made public in 3.3, and the existing single plug-in was split into three to separate the core framework (org.eclipse.core.databinding) from code that implements binding to SWT and JFace (org.eclipse.jface.databinding) and code that binds to JavaBeans-style models (org.eclipse.core.databinding.beans). See the data binding wiki page for more information.

Status handling

The new org.eclipse.ui.statushandlers package introduces a mechanism for reporting and handling problems in the UI. Plug-ins can report their problems through StatusManager, along with a hint about how the problem should be handled. Eclipse applications and products can configure how problems reported via this API are displayed to the end user.

OSGi R4.1

The Equinox Framework implements all the new features defined in the OSGi R4.1 specification. The most noteworthy change is the standardization of the lazy activation policy.

New Application Model

The Eclipse application model now implements the Application Admin Service from the OSGi specification. The net result is a more flexible application container. For example, applications can now be specified to allow more than one to run at a time. The lifecycle of an application has also been improved to allow applications to be properly shut down if the framework is shut down unexpectedly.

Eclipse applications can now implement to take full advantage of the new application model. See the org.eclipse.core.runtime.applications extension point for more details on the options that can be specified for application extensions.

Equinox launcher

The native Eclipse launcher has been rewritten to use JNI calls as much as possible. The Java VM will be started in-process using the JNI Invocation API unless the -vm argument points directly to a Java launcher.

Among other advantages, this change allows for SWT widgets to be used in the splash screen. As well, the splash screen can appear much earlier if the product is set up properly.

Equinox HTTP service

The Jetty-based implementation of the OSGi HTTP service has been added to the Platform SDK along with the bundles that provide JSP and extension registry support. Help is now using this service instead of Apache Tomcat.

Support for Launching Equinox in Application Servers

The Equinox servlet bridge allows the launching of OSGi based web applications in existing applications servers.This support provides full integration with other Equinox services and existing bundles and is tested for compatibility with major server implementations.

Orbit project created

The Eclipse Orbit project was created to be a home for third party libraries being consumed and bundled by Eclipse projects. Application developers can find many useful Apache and other libraries in Orbit, ready to use. Note that Orbit can only host libraries that have been IP reviewed and approved by the Eclipse Foundation.

Platform proxy settings

The platform now has a common place for configuring HTTP/Socks proxies. The new plug-in has API for accessing, storing, and monitoring changes to proxy settings.

JSch SSH2 Client Support

The platform provides API which allows SSH2 related preference settings to be forwarded to the JSch SSH2 library (com.jcraft.jsch) when making SSH2 connections. The new org.eclipse.jsch.core plug-in provides this API

Contribute columns to vertical ruler

A new extension point, org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor.rulerColumns allows the contribution of columns to the vertical ruler of any text editor.

Screenshot showing a ruler to display photos along the Java editor

Extensible hyperlink detection

Clients can use the org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor.hyperlinkDetectors extension point to add their own hyperlink detectors and can enable their viewers using the corresponding methods in the source viewer configuration along with the org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor.hyperlinkDetectorTargets extension point.

Screenshot showing the hyperlinking preference page

Mixed mode launch APIs and more

The debug platform's launch API now supports mixed mode launching. For example, an ISV could contribute a launcher to profile and debug an application at the same time. See enhancements to the launchDelegates and launchConfgurationTypes extension points.

ISVs can also contribute one or more tabs to existing tab groups in the launch dialog to extend existing launch types with new function. For example, a profiling tool could provide a tab to configure profile options for Java applications. See the new extension point launchConfigurationTabs.

The platform also allows more than one toolset to exist for launching the same kind of application. For example, two profilers could exist for Java applications and the user would be prompted to choose which profiler to use.

Debug context API

The debug platform has new API to access the active debug context. A debug context represents the active state of a program being debugged and drives the enabled state of debug actions (step, terminate, etc.), as well as source lookup, visible variables, and watch expression values. A set of classes and interfaces have been added to the new package org.eclipse.debug.ui.contexts allowing clients to listen to and drive the active debug context.

Debug command API

Debug commands represent common operations implemented by debuggers - for example, step over, suspend, resume, and terminate. The debug platform has added API allowing debuggers to provide custom implementations of the operations by implementing the debug command interfaces. See the new package org.eclipse.debug.ui.commands.

Pluggable detail panes

API has been added to the debug platform allowing custom detail panes to be contributed to the Variables view. Clients may use any SWT control to render custom details for their variables. A context menu allows users to choose between available detail panes for each variable. See the new extension point org.eclipse.debug.ui.detailPaneFactories.

Remote help content

Packaging a comprehensive set of help documentation with a product can often significantly increase its download size. To alleviate this, Help now allows you to host your documentation remotely on an infocenter, and will display the remote contents alongside any locally installed content you may have, giving you significant savings on initial download size.

Remote help preference page

Plug in help in any format

Teams are no longer restricted to the specific XML formats defined by the Help system, such as table of contents XML, keyword index XML, etc. A new set of API has been added to enable Java code to generate the content at runtime. This allows teams who work with other formats, such as DITA, to write an adapter plug-in that will perform the conversion, thus avoiding a build-time conversion and allowing them to ship documentation in the format of their choice.

Improved dynamic user assistance content

Dynamic content is now fully supported for all user assistance XML documents, which means you can filter, include, extend or replace sections of documents for any of the user assistance document types. These include:
  • Welcome pages (XML or XHTML) and contributions
  • Help XHTML topics, table of contents, keyword index, and context-sensitive help
  • Cheat sheets, both simple and composite

You can also define your own filter criteria and use boolean operators to achieve greater flexibility with filtering by using XML expressions in any of the documents listed above.

Added control of help/welcome content ordering

The help table of contents and welcome items will now be arranged in a more meaningful order when multiple products and documentation sets are installed. All available products' preferences will be taken into consideration, and products may now use an external XML file similar to welcome's to specify their preferred order and visibility of entries in the table of contents.

Link to anything from context-sensitive help

You can now add arbitrary command links in context-sensitive help, allowing applications to perform any operation. For example, you can link to a related cheat sheet:

Linking to a cheat sheet

Compare supports File Buffers

Compare now has support for file buffers which means that a Compare editor can share the underlying file buffer with other types of editors (e.g. Java editor) such that changes made in one editor will be immediately reflected in the other. More information on this can be found in the Implementing a Content Viewer, Implementing a structure viewer and Advanced compare techniques sections

Apply Patch API

Compare now has support for opening the Apply Patch wizard programmatically and also provides a low level API for manipulating patches. More information on this can be found in the Advanced compare techniques section

Menu Contribution API

Commands can now be contributed directly to menus and toolbars. The menu contribution API allows you to place commands in the main menu or toolbar, in the view dropdown menu or view toolbar, in editor or view context menus, and in the workbench window trim areas (like the status line). See the Basic workbench extension points using commands and org.eclipse.ui.menus sections. We will also be building more complex examples on the Menu Contribution wiki page.

Printing support added on GTK+

Printing support has been added to SWT for GTK+. You must be running with GTK+ 2.10 or newer in order to print.

New DateTime control

Your users can now enter dates or times using the new DateTime control. You can see the DateTime control in action on the DateTime tab of the SWT control example.

DateTime control with SWT.DATE | SWT.SHORT style on Windows

DateTime control with SWT.TIME style

DateTime control with SWT.CALENDAR style on Windows

Option to print line numbers added to StyledText

When printing a StyledText widget, line numbers can now be printed by setting the StyledTextPrintOptions.printLineNumbers field to true.

Text SEARCH style

On platforms that have this concept, Text controls can now have the look and feel of a search field with the SWT.SEARCH style. Adding the SWT.CANCEL style gives the user a way to cancel the search. This example snippet created the Text control shown in the snapshot below.

A search Text on the Mac

System tray support added on Mac OS X

Icons placed on the system tray will now appear in the Mac OS X status bar.

System tray on Mac OS X

Writing PNGs now supported

Images can now be written to disk in PNG format (example snippet).

Browser profiles on GTK+ and linux-motif

The Browser widget now uses profiles on GTK+ and linux-motif. This fixes many previous shortcomings, including the inability to display https pages, not rendering visited links properly, and not caching visited pages.

Browser support added on PowerPC

Browser support has been added for the PowerPC architecture (GTK+).

Native GTK Combo box

You now get a native combo box when running with GTK+ version 2.4 or newer.


Faster JPEG/PNG image loading

JPEG images now load from 30 to 70 percent faster, and PNG images load 2 to 3 times faster, depending on the image.

Color cursors on Mac OS X and GTK

You can now create color cursors on Mac OS X and GTK.

A Color Cursor on the Mac

This example snippet created the cursor pictured above.

New graphics line drawing capabilities

SWT graphics now supports much finer control of line attributes, including fractional line widths, dashed line offsets, and miter limits. These capabilities are provided by the new LineAttributes class and the new GC methods get/setLineAttributes.


(This example snippet created the above snapshot.)

SWT libraries automatically found

The SWT libraries are now loaded from the SWT jar when an SWT application is launched. Within Eclipse, you can just use the Run As > Java Application menu item and the libraries will be found. When launching from the command line, you no longer need to specify the SWT library path.

Mozilla everywhere

Mozilla can now be used as the underlying browser control on Windows and OS X, providing that you have XULRunner installed and registered. To use this just create your Browser with the SWT.MOZILLA style. This example snippet created the snapshot below.

Mozilla on Windows

DragDetect API

Custom widget implementers can now use Control.setDragDetect() to disable the default drag detection and Control.dragDetect() to implement their own. For example, a custom list control could start dragging only when an item is selected. Typed events for drag detection are now available (see DragDetectListener and DragDetectEvent). This example snippet created the snapshot shown below.

Drag detect in a custom control

Drag over and drag under effects

Custom drag over and drag under effects can now be implemented for any control. Custom widget implementers can provide feedback that is appropriate for their control by subclassing DragSourceEffect and DropTargetEffect. The default effects for the Table, Tree and StyledText controls have been changed to use these classes (see TreeDragSourceEffect, TreeDropTargetEffect and the corresponding classes for these controls). This StyledText example snippet created the snapshot shown below.

StyledText dragging selected text to show 'insert cursor' drag under effect

JavaXPCOM support

SWT.MOZILLA-style Browsers can now be programmed to via JavaXPCOM. This requires that XULRunner or newer be installed. This example snippet created the snapshot below.

Browser JavaXPCOM

OLEExample and OLE improvements

The new OLEExample showcases SWT OLE (win32) support. We now do a better job of hosting OLE documents in SWT. For example, OleClientSite in-place activation scrollbars work correctly.


Reparenting support on Mac OSX

SWT on Mac OSX now supports widget reparenting.

Advanced graphics supports mirroring

Advanced graphics now renders correctly in RTL mode. The snapshot below shows bidirectional text drawn using transforms and patterns on a Canvas.

Advanced graphics in RTL mode

SWT graphics showcase

Try out the new SWT Graphics example, which showcases some of SWT's graphics capabilities. This example is included with the other example plug-ins.


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