
The JDT includes a debugger that enables you to detect and diagnose errors in your programs running either locally or remotely.

The debugger allows you to control the execution of your program by setting breakpoints, suspending launches, stepping through your code, and examining the contents of variables.

The debugger has a client/server design so you can debug programs running remotely on other systems in the network as well as programs running locally on your workstation. The debugger server runs on the same system as the program you want to debug, which can be on your workstation (local debugging) or a system that is accessible through a network (remote debugging).

Related concepts

Java development tools (JDT)
Remote debugging
Local debugging

Related tasks

Adding breakpoints
Changing debugger launch options
Connecting to a remote VM with the Remote Java application launch configuration
Disconnecting from a VM
Evaluating expressions
Launching a Java program
Preparing to debug
Resuming the execution of suspended threads
Running and debugging
Suspending threads

Related reference

Debug preferences
Debug view
Run and debug actions
Debug Appearance

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